
don't go chasing waterfalls



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

09-26-2023, 12:59 PM
There were few moments in recent memory where Indigo could confess to true happiness. He’d thought many times he had been able to grasp just that, but as he aged and endured loss after loss they were few and far between. Now though, he had found peace here in Valta. He watched his little girl grow into a wonderful young woman, and he was able to see Aslatiel as the true leader she was always meant to be.

He had indeed found his happiness. So why did it feel like the other shoe was going to drop? Like there was always some nagging tragedy just around the corner? Sometimes he wished he could see the future, just so he could prepare himself for the next great hurdle that would undoubtedly befall him. As soon as the smile returned to his face, something happened that would rip it away again.

For now the maned man did his best to ignore the feeling, he’d been hurt so many times he told himself it was just paranoia. They were happy and safe here in Valta, and life would finally take it easy on his battered soul. He had everything he wanted, that didn’t mean he would have to give something in return.

Of course the dark thoughts liked to trouble him when he found a moment alone, sitting by the falls that chill winter day. The sun was shining, a break from the dreary cloud cover and it shined and sparkled over the icicles that formed on the falls. They truly lived in a beautiful place, and with such gorgeous scenery he wondered how strong his feelings had to be to break through the tranquility. A soft sigh left his dark lips as he lay his head on massive paws and stared up at the falls, trying to rid himself of the funk that bothered him.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.

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1. don't go chasing waterfalls Sunset Falls 12:59 PM, 09-26-2023 12:40 AM, 07-03-2024