
Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are?

Cal, Tarn Seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
09-26-2023, 05:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2023, 05:44 PM by Siduri. Edited 2 times in total.)

Suddenly there were more wolves. Sid immediately recognized the much larger form of her sister who was quickly followed by her brother. The fear quickly began to melt away. They weren't always nice to one another, but they had each others backs. This, she knew. Cal and Tar both did their bits, distracting the big brute enough so that Sid could slide out from under the mangrove that she'd been hiding beneath. He'd done a good job of ruining the roots on that one, so she moved to another.

"Your mother is a hamster!" Sid's sharp puppy teeth snapped into the heel of their attacker, drawing bloody before she darted through the sand and back beneath the protection of the trees. The brute's attention was pulled in many different ways and he was quite distracted. So, when the pups dad showed up, the dumb animal had no idea what was coming!

Gil leaped on the brute, wrestling him to the ground. Siduri whooped and crowed, exiting her hiding place the moment that her dad had the situation under control. Gil gave the pups instruction and Sid's maw split in a wide grin. "This is what happens when ye mess with Raiders, ye filthy barnacle!" Stalking proudly forward, Sid reached into the brute's maw and, with one firm jerk, snapped the top left canine right out of his mouth. The wolf yelled and thrashed, but Gil held him firm.

Sid waived her bloody prize at her siblings and smiled as though this was just another day in the life of a puppy. Just a nooooormal day. Nothing odd or unnatural here! "Your turrrrrrrn," she called to her brother and sister in a sweet little sing-song voice.

Raider Brats

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1. Excuse Me, Do You Know Who We Are? Dove Island Archipelago 08:42 AM, 09-15-2023 09:32 PM, 11-01-2023