
Over Cooked


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
09-27-2023, 07:55 PM

Heat lashed out at the frosted cold above. A war that winter could not win due to the high temperatures festering just below the earth's core. It roared in a fiery pit below. Daring any who wished to jump into its hot embrace. To be swallowed whole in a slow, agonizing death.

Cifarelli chuckled to himself. Paws moving carefully along the warm path nestled just between the frost and heat. Forever the daredevil. Doing whatever brought excitement to his life. Only, he did not come here alone. For inside of those massive jaws of his rested three rabbits. Their lives easily taken from them the moment they dared crossed his path. He could not help himself. The ton of torture he put those white coated creatures through. Chasing them into their burials. Awaiting for them to think they were safe. Just to repeat the notion again.

The Saxe male looked down at the boiling pot of lava. Any further and he knew the dangerous liquid would scold him for life. Such pain one could not endure; yet, to bring a living species here. To watch them scream out for help. Their bloodcurdling sounds of impending doom brought a sickening sweet smile to his face. Cifa sat for a moment. Peering over the edge; before, dropping the three carcasses. "This would be more fun. Had you been alive." Raising brows in full disappointment. He tossed them in. One. By. One.

Their bodies each slowly descending into the ocean of orange, red and black. Coughing a few times as the taste of sulfur filled his lungs. Not by much, thankfully, due to him staying a fair distance. He knew if he couldn't to stay any closer, however, that would change. And, he found himself shifting his weight to leave Hell's River with a promise to feed it something... very much alive.

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1. Over Cooked Hell's River 07:55 PM, 09-27-2023 03:17 AM, 02-13-2024