
Trouble on the horizon

…. Intruder?



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7 Years
09-29-2023, 04:46 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2023, 04:47 AM by Harlowe. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was almost like a ticking box. When the tiny lady showed up Harlowe acted as if she werent there . Humming gleefully he splashed around the creek like a pup. When she spoke his head snapped up. His remaining eye looking at her wide eyed. His lips pursed. "Smol one." he giggled. Then a big one showed up. Hadnt he been looking for something?

May coiled around him then, Harlowes attention hooked on her even as questions were asked. His ears angling towards the spectre. The treasure is deeper in thats what we are looking for right? That scent Harlowe. right. Right the treasure. He sat down in the creek giving a lazy scratch of his ear with a back leg. Thats when the big one said he wasnt in the mood for games. Which in turn sent him into a fit of soft giggles.

"Wow Harlowe sees so many sizes and colors. Tiny girl tiny girl so cute!" he nodded his head up and down. Harlowe focus. May said looking at him. Then when the super alpha showed up Harlowe tilted his head as if trying to decipher her words. "May says theres treasure so Harlowe is looking for treasure. I dont know what ill intent is but this creek is FUN. It splash and make Harlowes heart beat faster." he stood making little circles in the water. "Treasure where is it?" then he splayed out on the ground. Not having moved much from his position. May rolled her eyes sitting off to the right as Harlowes eye followed her looking into the distance.

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1. Trouble on the horizon Cattail Creek 03:40 AM, 09-12-2023 08:01 AM, 01-30-2024