
Well this was probably a bad idea




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
09-29-2023, 11:21 PM

The tiny wolf wiggled and bounded forward with Ghoul's blessing. Her nose crinkled at the dust she was kicking up with her rapid, jerky movements, but she would tough it out for the chance to have something nobody else was brave enough to collect. What she did notice, was that here and there, a few plants seemed to be doing better than others. The white flowers stood out starkly against the green tinge of the rest of it, a couple of willow trees seemed to be doing ok too. "Well not everythin's dying." She said a little hopefully. There were even funny little plants with round leaves that looked like they'd be full of water, almost like aloe, but not.

She was sure she had run into a healer at one point that used something similar to this? Had she called it stonecrop? The ground sure was rocky enough here. Cricket dug carefully around the base of the plant, wondering if it would be able to grow once they got home. She did the same with the white carpet of flowers... Alyssum? She was pretty sure it had something to do with treating colds, and coming into winter it would probably be helpful to have around if she could get it to grow herself. She'd never been anywhere long enough to plant a garden, maybe it would be something to keep her busy, since it seemed like she was over her middle of the night panic scrambles finally.

"What do y'think happened here?" she finally asked with a tilt of her head. Most places had urban legends, surely there was one about this place too?

”Speech”  ’Thought’

It's time to raise the curtain

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1. Well this was probably a bad idea Emerald Island 01:04 PM, 05-31-2023 06:05 PM, 11-08-2023