
Headfirst and fast like an avalanche

Hunting Seasonal - Winter, 19



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
09-30-2023, 06:17 PM

It was a very long walk for someone with such short legs, especially with all the snow around, and she hadn't quite gotten around to considering just how she would get her bounty home when she was done... She should have asked Ghoul if she could borrow his caimans. As it was, her two new friends bounded along beside her without too much care, her zorilla matching her bounding frolick, and the honey badger all but plowing a path ahead for them, grumbling all the while (poor girl was probably wondering how she got suckered into helping out these nutjobs).

Finally, the snow gave way to sand, the beach snow much shallower due to the massive king tide that had pulled all sorts of creatures up from the deep. In the past, she had used big tides like this one to survive, just scavenging whatever she could from what had washed up, but now? Well, there were more mouths to feed than just her own.

At least her honey badger was sturdy enough to help her do some of the lifting.

As they picked their way through the wrack line, a weathered bit of wood caught her eye, kinda curved like it had peeled off the trunk of a tree. With just a length of kelp, she quickly fashioned herself a sled, bringing the slimy cold seaweed across her chest as they continued to pick their way down the beach. What she hadn't been expecting to see, was a big (well, not big compared to Ghoul, but bigger than her) red wolf, passed out on the sand.

Her zorilla spotted it first, bounding forward with abandon to push against the stranger's shoulder, Cricket following close behind while the badger stepped into the kelp she had left behind and bought the sled along with them.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

It's time to raise the curtain


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1. Headfirst and fast like an avalanche Kamui Delta 06:17 PM, 09-30-2023 07:25 PM, 12-16-2023