
Headfirst and fast like an avalanche

Hunting Seasonal - Winter, 19



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
09-30-2023, 06:51 PM

Cricket's heart was in her throat up until the other wolf rose and scrambled, vomiting violently onto the sand. She had, for a second thought that she had been washed up in the tide, drowned or something. She couldn't smell the pack scent through the stale alcohol smell, but she was certain someone would be looking for her right? She looked like a wolf should, she wouldn't be run off from place to place like Cricket had before she found Ghoul.

The growl set the tiny girls hackles on end, her tail lifting high and her chin tipping up in defiance. She all but vibrated at the raspy tone the other woman used (forgetting in that moment that she had just thrown up and that was never a pleasant experience). "Oi! We jus' came here to look for fish and thought you were dead. Sorry for caring!" The tiny wolf stomped her paw in the sand with a glare, ignoring the way her own stomach complained at even the mention of food. It had been a long journey after all.

Spinning on her heel she headed back towards the frigid waves, hoping her companions would follow without the need for further direction. Just a little bit out, it looked like there was something large stranded in the shallows. She bounded forward with determination, ignoring the little voice in the back of her head that warned her she just might drown if she wasn't careful.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

It's time to raise the curtain


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1. Headfirst and fast like an avalanche Kamui Delta 06:17 PM, 09-30-2023 07:25 PM, 12-16-2023