
Headfirst and fast like an avalanche

Hunting Seasonal - Winter, 19



Expert Fighter (140)

Advanced Hunter (60)

7 Years

Samhain 2022
09-30-2023, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2023, 08:17 PM by Róta. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rota hadn't expected the tiny wolf to lunge so early, her small frame being flopped around and potentially drowned with each flop of the tarpon's tail. Exasperated was about the only word that could be used to describe the vikings expression. When the badger thing approached, she yielded her grip on the net reluctantly, expecting the overgrown rodent to be pulled out to sea with the thrashing of the fish, but the thing was decidedly sturdy, growling and tugging the net ever closer to the shore.

Now free from her task, the heavy woman dove into the fray, grabbing the base of the fishes tail a little further up the body than her tiny hunting companion and heaved back. The combined effort of the donkey, badger and the two wolves quickly had the massive fish beached, all they had to do now was make sure it didn't flop it's way back into the ocean. Rota didn't even have a blade on her, so she stumbled back up to the sand dunes to grab a bottle she had smashed in her drunken stupor the night before. She expertly used the shattered glass to open the things neck, only vaguely noticing they had managed to drag it up the beach and its own flopping had left it in a position Idunn would approve of. She snorted between her pants, the world still spinning around her. “You have many friends to feed, hjärtat? You don't look like much of this would fit in your belly.” Not that she was looking for a meal, but her brother might be a little more forgiving if she returned with something to show for her absence. It was big enough that they could go halves and neither would go hungry.


Bold-Italic speech denotes she is speaking Swedish, regular italics are thoughts

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1. Headfirst and fast like an avalanche Kamui Delta 06:17 PM, 09-30-2023 07:25 PM, 12-16-2023