
Evil Minds That Plot Destruction

Isa Fighting Seasonal



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
10-01-2023, 03:25 PM

Isa picked her way through the Polar sound. Her coat, a mixture or light and dark blues, was as unique as her spirit. Isa was known among her pack not only for her striking appearance but also for her fierce determination and unyielding compassion. And also her love of food, but that's neither here nor there.

On this particular day, the sky overhead was growing ever darker and the air smelled of rain. Odd, considering it was winter. Isa decided to make her way back to the Armada when she heard a distressed shout echoing through the trees. Her keen senses immediately locked onto the source – a young brown wolf, not yet an adult, trapped in a perilous situation. The youngster was surrounded by three menacing male wolves, their intentions far from noble.

Without a moment's hesitation, Isa sprang into action. Her powerful muscles propelled her forward as she charged towards the group, her fur bristling with determination. The moment she leaped into the fray, the heavens seemed to react to her valor. Dark clouds grew black, and the sky unleashed a furious hailstorm, pelting the already icy terrain with yet more ice.

Two females against three males in the middle of a hailstorm; it was a scene of fierce determination versus unwarranted aggression. Isa, with her stunning blue coat, fought like a whirlwind of nature itself. Her agility and speed were unmatched, and her eyes blazed with a righteous fury. The young brown wolf, shaken but holding her own, continued the battle, snapping and growling with all the courage she could muster.

The hailstorm raged on, but the ladies were undeterred. They fought fiercely, defending themselves from the sinister intentions of the brutes. Isa's wisdom and experience proved invaluable in the battle. She strategized, using the terrain to her advantage, and the young brown wolf learned quickly, matching her in tenacity.

As the hail continued to fall and the battle raged on, the bastards found themselves overwhelmed by the resilience and unity of the females. They soon realized that their nefarious plans were doomed to fail. Defeated and humbled, the three males retreated, tails between their legs. They left a trail of blood in their wake.

Isa and the young wolf stood victorious amidst the hailstorm, their fur matted and their bodies battered, but their spirits unbroken. They had faced adversity together, and their bond had grown unshakable. With a proud glance at each other, they watched as the retreating males disappeared into the distance.

The hailstorm began to subside, and the landscape returned to a semblance of calm. Isa and her young companion, now safe and victorious, shared a moment of silent understanding. It was only after Isa had caught her breath that she spoke to the girl, her tones accented, hinting of foreign lands. "Are you alright, young one?" Icy eyes inspected the girl but she didn't see any major damage. They were both wet, dirty and would most likely have bruises from the hail, but they would heal. Thankfully the pair of them had thick fur cloaks to help protect them against the elements. "The Armada is nearby if you'd like to come and rest. Or I can escort you wherever you were headed." With a soft snort, the fae shook her head. "Where on earth are my manners. I am Isa Fatalis. And you are?" It was still strange, saying her new name. It felt so very right, however.


WC-574 (Met)

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1. Evil Minds That Plot Destruction The Polar Sound 12:14 PM, 09-07-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024