
Lover's Quarrel


11-02-2013, 01:25 PM

When her friend agreed to go with her, she picked up her broad paws and began trotting in the general direction of the springs. Her friend would catch up, Song was quick, illustrated by her agility in the spar they'd just had. The giantess mused over how she could have improved in the light battle, but decided it had been left to Fate. So, with that over with, she took stock of her sore spots, testing herself by letting every muscle act as it normally would, and taking note of the outcome. Some light bruising to her neck and lower jaw, courtesy of Song's needle like teeth and quick wits. Some moderate bruising to her shoulder, where it made impact with the pearl she wolf's frame in her attempt at shoulder tackling. Worst of all, however, was the bruising to her flank from her attempt at toppling sideways with the smaller woman in her grip. That one was going to take a few days to heal, but she could overlook it. In a way, she took the pain as punishment for letting herself get soft and not train. It was really for the best, she was getting tired of the whole idea of being an assassin anyways. She had only done it to please her father...

Mercury orbs took on a distant look while she was lost in thought, and she didn't notice her paws striking mangrove roots until she snapped out of it and saw the glowing waters as she were startled into lightness by her passing. Deciding to stop for a moment, she smoothly transitioned into a resting pose on her haunches. She would watch the Ludicael waters with unknown emotions swirling deep inside her moonstone orbs. Not many knew of her past, or her true emotions, and fewer still truly knew her, entirely. She was a mystery by nature, an enigma through personality, a ghost of a wolf. It was a fact she accepted, she didn't want to have the pain of losing her loved ones any more, so she had few friends, few other's she could truly trust. A sigh escaped her ebony lips, and her deceptively delicate snowy cranium swivelled to stare at the raven feathers embedded in her tail, memories swirling around in her infinite mind. She tried to shut them out, only to succeed in shutting out the least painful ones. The onslaught of deaths stabbed at her, tore at her insides until there was nothing left, and then all was still within her infinite conscience. She continued to rest, the goings on within her head unknown to whomever was around her.