
Halloween Klein Kids

Chimera x Aliana Litter #3



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
10-02-2023, 08:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 11:53 PM by Indie. Edited 12 times in total.)
Hullo frens. Your friendly neighborhood Indie here. I promise I’ll be a good and fill out the form provided, but this post is also going to be dump for inspiration (running rampant between my two brain cells) for Arachne, so things might fall outside the lines. Just forewarning ^^;

Imagine challenging the patron goddess and winning.                                      
                                                                      The satisfaction was worth the retaliation.


OOC; Indie.
Name of Pup; Arachne "Rainy" Alline Klein.
Gender; Female.
Appearance; God I hate them. But I'll get to a written one later.
25" | Light Build

**** Okay, so after reading all the other amazing applications, I'm now torn as to if I should go with the original plan- or if I should adopt a more "Meek & Mild" character because I think there could be some awesome plots in that as well with the current pool of fantastically huge personalties. I'm going to include and develop both ideas for now as I deliberate. But if either parent player has preference ... could definitely use some input ^^;


Skills; FIGHTING [Relentless] & NAVIGATION [Fleet-Footed?]
Alignment; Chaotic Neutral
Rainy possesses a natural sense of adventure that drives her to seek new experiences and challenges. Her ambition knows no bounds, as she constantly strives to achieve her goals and reach her grandiose expectations in life. Arachne’s analytical mind constantly seeks new apexes to conquer, and she approaches them with unwavering confidence and air of cockiness in her own abilities- though to be fair, she will spend her life fine-tuning her skillsets and honing her talent for finding conflict. Her bold attitude will be downright audacious at times, and it will be clearly depicted from early age. Arachne is unafraid to take risks and push boundaries. She is unapologetically flamboyant with no hesitance in turning on the wit or charm to navigate herself in the social situations she hates getting trapped in. With a flair for the dramatic, she actively puts out additional effort to draw attention wherever she goes. However, it’s simply because she wants to be seen and heard- not that she cares about what you have to say.

At her core, Arachne will maintain a naturally independent spirt. She values freedom and will refuse to be tied down as she matures. That’s not to say that she lacks loyalty to her loved ones. Her devotion to family will run deep, but her stubbornness will often get in the way of compromise- especially when she’s determined to have things her way.

This girl is a loud one, which can easily be interpreted as abrasive- though she does nothing to alleviate that perception. She is quick to result to hostility in the event she feels even remotely threatened. That, paired with her impatience and impulsiveness gives her an ‘itchy trigger finger’ when it comes to her temper- which already runs hot to begin with. When it comes to matters of the heart, Rainy can easily become possessive, and a nasty jealous streak can rear its ugly head. Her normal confidence is thrown to the wayside if she suspects something or someone may be taken from her. When the stakes are high, words don’t come as easily. However, teeth and claws do! But perhaps her scrappiness stems from her vanity. Or maybe she was just a bratty, spoiled child? Someone really should try to explain to her that the world doesn’t revolve around her … just don’t go unarmed.


Skills; INTELLECT [-----] & NAVIGATION [Fleet-Footed?]
Alignment; Lawful Neutral
Arachne will never be one to rock the boat. She’s dependable, does what she says she’ll do, and can be relied on to respond predictably in any situation. Though, do not accuse her of blindly following authority without any forethought on her end. This girl exudes confidence in her chosen path because she knows herself intimately and makes informed decisions in the best interest of everyone involved. Her composed, peaceful nature can often be the glue that keeps things from falling to pieces. But when it comes to her ingrained consistency, she may sometimes be perceived as boring. And because she derives satisfaction from her life as it is, she may not be as driven as others. Taking risks will be hard for her, which may lead her to miss opportunities for her to excel and achieve greater levels of self-growth.

Arachne has a quieter personality when compared to most of her siblings. She is soft-spoken, reflective, and observant. She is attuned to the emotions of others and often tries her best to aid in diffusing tense situations. Like her mother, Rainy is a good listener, genuinely cares about, and wants the best for those around her. She can pinpoint needs and will go out of her way to meet them. Her ability to walk in the place of others helps her to have a deeper understanding of problematic situations and react in a way that will help improve the emotional landscape. Her empathy can also be a vehicle to convert passion for change, making her a strong champion for causes that improve the quality of life of others. But because she has a more quiet disposition, she may have difficulty voicing her own desires and needs, or feels that she’s incapable of pursuing them due to her need to put others before herself- which she does so willingly.

Arachne is a careful thinker, perceptive, observant, and a strong planner, choosing the best and most direct course of action in order to achieve the desired result. She is generally loyal, and trusting, and unthreatening by nature. She’s approachable, reliable, responsible, and fairly easy to anticipate, and when she is given instruction by someone whose authority she respects, she usually does what she’s told without causing opposition. She can always be counted on to toe the line, and will do so in a generally polite, and upstanding way.


» First and foremost, she is going to be wrapped up in family to some degree. Whether she adopt a more dominant role with the more abrasive personality, or if she be the follower for the more competitive siblings.

» Seeing her parents grow up in a polyamorous relationship, she will likely accept that for being the norm. Wouldn't surprise me if she ended up in a similar situation to some degree. Even more so if the more reserved persona is preferred. If a more aggressive version of her is preferred, she'd be the first one to make it clear that she's nobody's side piece xD

» I don't want to say "this girl is going to be a vehicle for incest plots", because that isn't my intention ... but if it happens it happens. And honestly, as she gets older ... and the stars align, and it turns out god has not abandoned us, maybe she'd develop feelings for an older sibling BUT WHO KNOWS? I sure don't :'D

» The bratty persona is exactly that. She would be super scrappy- and big part of her arch would be learning to not be so bitey. If she and some of the other pushy personalities in the pool were chosen, she would absolutely butt heads and refuse to back down.

» Where the more people-pleasing persona could use a good puppeteer. She'd be some good practice for any of the littermates who want to learn how to be manipulative.

» Certainly more to come, but you know I love a good stat grind c: