
everything falls


11-02-2013, 02:57 PM

Curiosity boiled in his chest, half hoping that whatever she had to say would help dissolve some of his stress - or at least not add to it. The possibilities were endless, though he couldn't imagine her telling him anything worse than he'd already been told. What else was there that was worse than losing two members to a godforsaken pack in the north? Then it came, hitting him like a ton of bricks. Her tone was enough to show her uncertainty, but the words hit him the hardest. Pregnant, she was pregnant. This was the second time in a year, the second time out of her season! What blasphemy was this!? Her bodice removed itself from his side by a few inches, giving him room to breathe - to take in the information. They had four children as it was, four children barely six months old and now they would have god knows how many more.. in the midst of a war! His heart beat fast, pounding into his ears and limbs, numbing every inch of his russet frame. He stood frozen, jaws hanging agape by a few inches, as uncertain breaths were taken simply to keep him alive. ?P-pregnant,? he would stammer, not unlike how his smallest son might've pronounced it had he been here. She tried to lighten the moment, lord, she was wonderful in that way - and yet nothing could lighten the load that had been added to his shoulders. His yolk of burden was growing heavier by the day - he didn't know how much more he could take. ?When do you think... they will be born?? His mind wasn't working well enough to estimate a time frame, and so he would see if hers could produce a decent enough one. He would have to plan, have to come up with something - anything to remedy this mess. Perhaps it was pitiful that he wasn't more pleased with the news, but alas all he could think of was his children being born into a world that sought to destroy them. He wavered on his paws, rocking back onto his haunches for support
