
city of gold

mojito <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-03-2023, 12:25 AM

Settling into a routine was difficult, and every few days the wraith couldn't help but wander off to hunt. Confinement had become so familiar that once he'd gotten a taste of freedom, it was difficult to stick close to his new home. It was having an effect on Mojito, that much was obvious. There was underlying tension there, a subtle tightness of shoulders and furrowing of brows that he dared not let linger any longer.

It'd taken the better part of the day to construct the love next of bent fern fronds and leafless branches. All of it overlaid with the raggedy hide of an elderly stag he'd caught in a snare in the previous weeks. More than enough cover in the event of a downpour or snowfall. The ground was covered by sheepskin, the space beneath the overhanging foliage was so minimal that the two men would have no choice but to cuddle up. That, of course, was the whole point of the thing. Physical intimacy and closeness. While there was a firepit dug into the dirt only a foot or two away, it wouldn't be necessary to keep the lovers warm during the night. No, Nao intended to make that his personal mission for the time being. Soon he'd be finished with the den site, and unveil it to his lover (mate? Was that what they were now? How did that work?). For now the little shelter by the falls was more than enough to suit the needs of date night.

Fishing was still his speciality, it always would be. So Nao hadn't needed to spend long gathering some seafood for their supper. The cracked shells of molluscs and crustaceans lay empty in a pile to the side of the woven basket near the fire. Their meat had been extracted and collected in the basket, which was then dipped in the clear springwater of the falls to fill. Nao hadn't been here long enough to have any herbs to add to the broth, and he dared not raid his lover's supplies without permission. No, the meat would have to be enough for now. He set the basket over the embers of the fire, its lid settled akimbo over the rim to keep it from boiling over.

The sun would be setting soon, the preparations were made, and it was time to make up for his continual absences over the past weeks. Tipping back his slender skull, the svelte warrior called out for his lover with a low, keening howl.

Nao & Mojito

Art by MarkLix

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1. city of gold Sunset Falls 12:25 AM, 10-03-2023 12:39 AM, 07-03-2024