
I'll get you my pretty!



Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-03-2023, 10:21 AM
Most wolves were quite hard for Tethys to relate to, even those very close to her, so a stranger felt like something completely foreign to her. At least with her packmates she could tell their intentions were good, but a stranger was significantly more difficult to even begin to understand. The yearling kept her distance as she greeted the pretty woman, studying Lurid's expression carefully as she replied to Tethys with a word she didn't understand. Strange. Her next words were even more odd to Tethys though. She couldn't quite tell if the stranger was being threatening or helpful; but either way she was pretty sure she didn't need her advice.

"I'm not far from home," she admitted after a moment of thought. The yearling spoke factually and without hint of much emotion at all. Maybe a wolf more in tune with the finer nuances of vocal inflection would be more threatened by Lurid, but Tethys couldn't quite tell what she was getting it. "I was scouting out some prey though. Seeing where a good place to hunt soon might be." Not that the Armada was necessarily starving but winter was an often merciless season, and having an eye out for where their next meal might come from was never a bad idea. Being prepared was important, something she was realizing more and more as she got older.

"I'm Tethys Fatalis," she introduced herself with a slow dip of her head. "Nice to meet you, Lurid. Do you live around here, then?" Small talk was not her biggest strength but she knew it was a necessity to get to know someone. Not that she could tell if this woman really wanted to talk or not anyway.

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1. I'll get you my pretty! The Red Forest 02:55 PM, 09-18-2023 01:01 PM, 03-08-2024