
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!


13+ Years
10-03-2023, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2023, 09:35 PM by pinetreesheep. Edited 12 times in total.)
OOC Name: pinetreesheep/sheep

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Osamu (OH-SA-MOO) “Discipline \ study”

Gender: male

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

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I like this one if it’s still available? ^

Osamu sports a light grey base coat dappled with darker grey splotches. His slender muzzle is faded with darker grey and he has a patch of almost black splotches around his left eye. His eyes are a bright orange/amber color and stand out beautifully against his dark fur. He was born with a floppy right ear. Despite his dappling, it is clear he has an undercoat of dark points, so his legs have the appearance of fading and are very dark at his toes, lightening as it goes up his legs. His belly and underside are the lightest grey color. Osamu likes to keep clean, and while he can be seen dirty when he is working, he will never let his fur stay matted for long. He has a light build but he likes to train therefore he will gain muscle that isn’t too much for his frame. His strength is speed rather than brute force, as he isn’t large enough to have much weight behind his attacks.

Personality: Osamu is very focused, strong willed, intelligent, hardworking, and disciplined as his name suggests in Japanese. He’s not one to goof around and play or take it slow/easy like young wolves often do. He has ambitions and dreams he craves to achieve. He feels as if he has no time for friendship or play, and is more likely to be found on the grind to complete his goals. His actions are not malicious, but he may come across as unwelcoming/unfriendly despite his demeanor being incredibly respectful as he has very good manners. He loves his family and would protect them at the cost of his life, he just doesn’t let himself relax or be caught slacking. If he is caught slacking or messes up he is harder on himself than anyone else could be. He’s always on a mission to succeed. He may also have a complex with perfectionism and or overachievement. He obeys rules and laws, but he will always aim for what better helps him achieve his goals. At a young age he will be rather simple and not very keen on trouble making. Often perhaps following one parent or the other, and will most definitely tattle or rant about his siblings bothering him.

Skills: intellect and fighting

Plans: I’d like to slowly build on a character that has the Japanese idealisms of respect to others and hard work. But then I want to take it way too far and make him almost sick with ambition. To where he doesn’t let himself get a break and eventually crumbles under the weight he puts on his own shoulders. Or perhaps he could drive off people he cares about in the process, and maybe one character in his future could help him pick himself back up and learn how to have fun and repair broken bonds. Pretty much just him with an internal conflict rather than external, but it has external consequences.

RP Sample: (this is random and I’m completely bullcrapping this just because I can)
The sound of rushing wind howled in the young male’s ears as he sprinted down the grassy hillside. His paws skidded on the wet peaty earth as he rounded a bend and continued his descent. “I’m late! I’m LATE!” He screamed internally. It was well past sunrise now, and he had promised his instructor he would meet him at the training yard before dawn. Osamu’s paws beat the ground faster now as he reached level ground, he could see a small figure in the distance waiting for him with a lashing tail. “I’m so dead…” the young boy huffed as his lungs heaved for more air to push him the rest of the way. Skidding to a halt in front of the other wolf, Osamu immediately bowed his head to the ground. ”Im so sorry Sensei! Yurushite kudasai!” his words nearly muffled by the grass he had shoved his face in. His heaving chest beginning to slow as he caught his breath, he got up from his bow but still looked quite disappointed with himself. ”I probably wouldn’t have been late if my sister hadn’t kept me up all night with her ‘nightmares..’” he thought to himself. Not wanting to make excuses though or throw his sister under the bus, he accepted whatever punishment his teacher may have for him. Unfortunately, by the look on her face he could tell it was going to be a long day.

Thankyou for the opportunity to adopt a pup! ^w^

Complete! 11/4/23