
Giving the Academy a Rain-Check



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

10-04-2023, 02:39 PM

It had taken her a bit to gather herself enough after telling Malico that he was coming with her in her hunt for mentorships. Not that she ever considered his refusal to be an option- he had eagerly complied just as she had anticipated. But Mariah had spent quite a while sitting on the information for a couple of different reasons- mainly to give her ample opportunity to arrive at the conclusion that this was the correct move for her own best interest. But also, out of respect for her sister. Tensions had been running high- and the more she matured, the more clearly she began to see things. While she wasn’t entirely certain of what had been happening between her older siblings, she could identify that things weren’t being taken as lightly as they had been before. Mariah wasn’t an empathetic individual by any means, but even she understood there was a time to pressure and a time to observe. However, her impatience could only account for so much.

Mariah had waited as long as she could, and when she finally caught sight of Avacyn lingering near the edge of the lake, she could wait no more. Casually closing the distance between herself and the matriarch, Mariah waited a little longer to speak than she normally would have to ensure a more conversational tone could be easily heard without trying to project herself. “Malico agreed to accompany me.” She began, taking a moment to look out over the water for herself. “Is there anything else I- or we should accomplish before preparing to leave?” Her tone sounded surprisingly gentle, even to herself. Though she wasn’t certain if that was a good thing or not. Perhaps it would have been better to pretend like there was nothing wrong in the first place. She supposed that she would soon find out.  

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. Giving the Academy a Rain-Check Alias Island 02:39 PM, 10-04-2023 04:18 AM, 11-06-2023