
Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast]

Replies due Oct. 13th!



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
10-06-2023, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2023, 05:34 PM by Akuma. Edited 1 time in total.)
He heard the call for a meeting. Though he wasn't immediately rushing to his feet. He sighed heavily as he lay at the entrance of the den, the stench of the tar pits and rot heavy in the air. When he was first put here, he couldn't bear the stench. But after some time, he had gotten used to it. He had yet to seek out Enki...even though his brother was the sole reason he had come to this place, he was...ashamed...of the way he had gone about it and landed himself in the very position that Enki had gotten them out of. "I'm such an idiot..." he muttered before finally rising to his feet. He was sure to find Enki at the meeting...and he couldn't hide here forever. He wasn't sure if Enki saw him at the raid, or noticed that he was there. There was a lot going on, so he wouldn't blame him if he had gone unnoticed.

Crossing the boundary from Tar Pits to the Plains, he made his way to where he heard the call come from. When he finally arrived, he was disappointed to see that Enki was not yet there, but surprised to see his dad was! His dad had decided to stay here? Or was he a prisoner, too? Confusion settled over him, but it was no more than a lingering thought as his eyes fell on all the food, the decor, the laid-out furs and the fire, and the bone throne that Medusa sat upon. His belly rumbled when he realized he hadn't yet eaten today. Not because he was being starved, but because he had forgotten to eat. Heading to the table, he grabbed a rabbit and then made his way toward Eraithus. He sat beside his dad and settled in. "Didn't know you were here, dad." He murmured before taking a bite of his food.
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c:

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1. Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast] Dancefloor of the Gods 12:04 AM, 10-03-2023 01:58 PM, 02-01-2024