
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-09-2013, 02:55 PM

Desdemona blinked, the early mornings light filtering in through the opening of the den. her twin colored oculars blinked repeatedly against the glare of the sun as she tried to figure out where she was. There was a heavy warmth pressed against her spine and something draped around her neck. Blearily the white vision of her mate came into focus, his heartbeat drumming steadily against her back and his breaths in tune with his own. She blinked back sleep wearily, chasing the last of the fog from her mind as she craned her neck around to peer at him, a smile lighting her maw.

No nightmares had plagued her dreamless sleep, only the feelings of comfort and love, radiating from her back, she had slept so perfectly with her mate coiled around her. He was nothing short of a miracle. A bright beacon in her world of darkness. He owned her heart, her body, and her soul and she would give them all to see him happy and healthy, always. Feeling a rush of playfulness, she craned her head around, catching one of his audits gently between her teeth and tugged ever so softly in an attempt to stir him from his slumber.

"Demonio..." She beckoned to his dreams, tempted them to release him, so he might return to her. She loved him, and she wanted him to awaken, they had things to do this morning.
