
gone fishin'



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
10-08-2023, 05:47 AM
i want to see you again after this. a full body flush worked it's way through her bloodstream, resulting in a bloom of pink across her cheeks and a widening of her eyes. the idea that such a gorgeous man might desire her even a tenth the amount she desired him...that she might make such a stoic pillar of power and strength even mildly warm and unsettled…it was so romantic a notion it made her giddy. “i…very well,” she agreed, inclining her head in a slow nod - as though she’d had to take a moment to consider, as though she wasn’t practically bursting with eagerness.

and yet, her neutral act all but dissolved as he stepped over her, positioning her directly beneath his mountainous body. Dulla dragged in a shuddering breath, scarcely able to think. he was everywhere, every sight and sound and smell radiating that raw, primal ferocity that seemed to roll from him in waves. Dulla shuddered and bit down on her lip, hard, trying to stifle a whimper. she felt caught, utterly snared like a fish on a hook. once more all coherence and awareness fled her mind at the sight of that tongue, unfurling to coax a fish  into his maw. she felt a little like that fish, entranced by him, unable to feel the trap closing in until she was already pierced on his teeth.

she knew that, and yet she wanted all the same.

following his instructions, she parted her lips and let her nose hover above the water, tongue moving first in awkward jerks, then growing more confident with every stroke. a flash of scales caught her eye, and she darted forward to nip a slender, wriggling shape between her teeth. she lifted her head, eyes bright with triumph as she met the man’s gaze, and held eye contact while she crunched down on the fish. blood began to seep between her teeth and drip down her muzzle, staining her chest fur bright crimson. it was wonderfully depraved, and a thrill traveled down the length of her spine, eliciting a delicious tingle. she hadn’t known she could even feel this way, or was capable of these thoughts - but this man drew it out of her as effortlessly as he drew fish to the surface.

mouth falling openly, she let the fish drop limply to her feet and allowed her eyes to drift down to the man’s lips, cheeks burning at her own brazenness. perhaps it was the adrenaline of the kill, or a self-destructive streak; perhaps he really had hypnotised her with those brilliant eyes. regardless of the reason, she leant in with desperate longing, eyes burning while her lips pursed into a dainty moue. waiting for him to close the gap.



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1. gone fishin' Sea's Plain 08:39 AM, 09-24-2023 03:30 AM, 02-13-2024