
I Really Can't Stay-


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
10-08-2023, 05:43 PM

It is strange how easily life continues on. The days following the flood had been hectic, sad, and, if Andy is being completely honest, more than a little scary. Many had been hurt from the initial surge of flood waters and, those that were lucky to survive unscathed, soon had another threat to contend with; illness. The purple girl had made it out of the main incident alive purely because of reason; her friend, Aresenn, had been nearby. Their relationship has always been complicated and with this newest twist of fate, she cannot help but feel like another layer has been added.

As Andy had grown sick, the infection settling into her lungs, Aresenn had disappeared from Armada lands. Even as the fever had developed and she had felt like she was drowning in her own lungs, the girl couldn’t help but worry that she had done or said something wrong. True, he had turned down the invitation to join the Armada and her father had given him the ability to come and go as the fire-kissed boy pleased but still she felt… responsible. Emotions swell with the memory of her friend, confusion mixing with gratitude, hope, and something… more.

Andy is resting in her den when the call from Aresenn finds her. Shooting upright, the lavender girl hurriedly gets to her paws and makes her way out into the Col. The reminder of the flood can be found everywhere you look, from supplies being sorted to the grim-faced members of the pack. But she doesn’t pay attention to any of that because he is here. Tracing the pathway down to the floor of the Col, the girl is immediately joined by her two snow leopards. While she is mostly healed from her bout of pneumonia, she can still get winded if she attempts to move too fast or go too far and her leopards are there to reminded her to take it slow.

Fat snowflakes lazily drift from the dark clouds above, blanketing the land in an almost ethereal silence. The sun is hidden from sight and a chilly breeze slices through the lands as Andy crosses into the woods. Silently she follows his scent until her pale blue eyes find the fiery form of Aresenn. Hidden by a large gnarled root, the girl pauses to observe him as he walks. There is purpose in his steps and that easy, throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude she has come to love about him. Her leopards blend perfectly into the snow as she detaches from them and saunters toward the boy.

With a wide smile on her lips and maybe just a tiny bit out of breath, Andy calls joyfully, “Hey Hero! Thought you were done with me.” Eyes sparkle with mirth as she approaches him, her words heralding back to their talk about heroes and villains from one of their first meetings. In her eyes, the boy truly is her hero and he has yet to prove her wrong.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.

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1. I Really Can't Stay- Mile-High Woods 12:48 PM, 10-08-2023 11:47 PM, 01-01-2024