
Just a little wine




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-08-2023, 10:21 PM

Silence stretched between them. Scylla had nothing to say to the Mendacium woman. Nothing nice, anyway. She drank until the bottle was empty and pushed it away from her. The fae's tongue flicked out, sliding over her lips to make sure that there weren't any clinging droplets of the wine. It was then that Avacyn decided to speak. Scylla was still in control of her faculties, mostly. Sort of.

Blue and grey eyes cut to the side, narrowing slightly. Avacyn cared about Albion, did she? For a moment, Scylla saw red. It would be so easy to just end the purple woman beside her. So, so easy. The Mendacium claimed to love Albion but her actions showed otherwise. Finally, at the end of her speech, Ava said something that was very, very true. "You're right. He does deserve much better." With a growl, Scylla's dexterous digits snatched up a second bottle of alcohol. Sharp little teeth bit into the cork which she pulled out and promptly spat into the grass. She needed to drink a lot more if she was going to stomach this interaction. Lifting the bottle to her lips, Scylla drank and drank until she had no choice but to come up for air.

Minutes passed. Minutes? An hour? Time. Time passed. The slate and cream fae's vision swam and her body became tingly and somewhat numb. She couldn't really feel her lips and licked at them every now and again just to make sure that they were still there. It took a moment to remember that Avacyn was there, but motion at the corner of her eye reminded her. "Albion was furious when my father sent me here. Furious that I came and he wasn't asked how he felt about it. Then, when our parents made the deal, betrothing us to one another, Albion ignored his own fury and agreed. It took a lot for him to come here and be promised to someone that he barely knew." Scylla lifted the bottle again, but it was empty. She sent it clattering against the other empty and one of them shattered. Waste of a good bottle. "And you've just thrown him away like he was nothing. Not as good as your darling brother. Duty and honor is hammered into my family.
One paw pounded on the blue fae's own chest before she pointed at the purple woman. "My father believed that your family had similar morals and beliefs but he was wrong." He was so wrong...

Scylla rushed to her paws which was a big mistake. The world tipped on its side and took the striped fae with it. She rolled down the bank, the back half of her body landing in the water. "Ffffffffuck!" Scylla snarled, trying to force the world to still enough so that she could escape the cold clutches of the lake. And suddenly, she was crying.

Scylla didn't cry. She wasn't even sure if she had ever cried in her life. Yet here she was, tears streaming down her cheeks. The fae's voice wavered when she spoke again, one wet paw moving up to brush the tears from her cheek. It didn't work, considering how soaked her paw was, but she was drunk and didn't even notice. "He's so good," the woman whispered through her tears. "I would slay the world to keep him safe." Mismatched eyes stared towards Avacyn. All three of her. "And you hurt him, Avacyn. I don't know how to forgive that, or if I even can." Scylla stopped trying to get out of the water, instead mashing her face into the grass of the bank, willing these stupid, emotional tears to cease.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]

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