
better with you


11-02-2013, 07:01 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Shame washed over him as he actually laughed at her suggestion. It wasn't a laugh in humor, but a laugh in disbelief that escaped him. She had to know that what she suggested was insane before even bringing it up. She couldn't possibly be that oblivious.

Seraphim shook his head at her attempts to solve their problem. He knew that there wasn't much saving that could be done, and her efforts only drove that knife deeper. He hardened himself against the pain instinctively, knowing that he couldn't keep his promise to do anything to see her. He steeled himself to prepare for what he about to say, doubting whether he would be able to weather the words.

While Isardis leads Glaciem, there is nothing we can do. And we can't meet like this anymore. He paused to take a breath. These meetings will only cause us pain. We will spend them the same way we are spending this one, looking for ways around the things we can't control.

His verdant gaze found her golden as he took one more step forward, bending to press his forehead to hers. Come to me when you are finally free.

He stepped back and turned to take his leave, knowing that he would probably give in at some point and see her anyway, but that he was done showing his feelings until she was able to return them fully.


Tagged: Eris