
Black & Blue




Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-09-2023, 12:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2023, 12:42 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

Being ignored wasn’t something she had been expected. It made her question herself. Had she even said the words? Aurelia watched as the purple brute sorted out whatever herbs his pet had deposited. She didn’t look- and didn’t care to. In that moment, she was trying to figure her captor out. What did he want from her? Did he want her to repeat herself? In preparing to do so, the girl swallowed again. Weakly swiping her dry tongue over her teeth and tacky gums. Just as she was going to try and get his attention once again, he answered her. Water. It seemed to put genuine thought into the matter … though, she wasn’t entirely sure if that was a hallucination or not. Did Sephiran ever do anything genuinely? You make a request, but do nothing return? She couldn’t stop the breathy exhale that escaped her jaws parting in disbelief. It would have been a chuckle, though it was one of desperation. What could she possibly do in her state? He provided the direction he was looking for.

Begrudgingly, she took a couple of the herbs into her mouth- not even registering what they were or what they were for. Though, with very little moisture for the plant matter to draw out into a salve, the leaves stuck to the roof of her mouth and in the folds of her jowls. Even the effort of trying to grind up the leaves was exhausting. She shifted her attention away from the Saxe boy, not wanting to see him take delight in her struggle to perform such a basic task.

Code by Shelby

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