
Legion of One



11 Years
Athena I
11-02-2013, 08:10 PM

So the bitch with the skull mask was dead, huh? She wanted to feel bad for her death, at least sympathise for those that might miss her for whatever reason, but she lacked even the slightest bit of apologetic emotion. Cantinna had taken her pack and torn apart the life she had worked so hard to build. Between Cantinna and Bane her life and her pup's lives were in shambles. But no longer. No, she would do all she could to improve things for her pups. Her first step was to find them a new home, one with a pack that could protect them and train them. Perhaps it was time that she took on the Amenti pack name once more. She wouldn't be alphess like before, of course, but she could content herself with being a mere member. For now.

She had heard the echos of the new alpha's call as she approached the Amenti borders, confirming her suspicions that it had in fact been claimed. Too bad, really. If she had only come a little earlier she could be the one giving that call. Oh well. She crossed the border with swift, sure strides, her shoulder no longer giving her any trouble walking. A thick scar ran from the middle of her scruff down her left shoulder blade, a constant reminder of the challenge that she had lost, but she had regained her strength. Her thick ivory fur was ruffled by the wind as she gracefully moved toward the summoning alpha, slowing to a halt a few feet away with the others that had gathered so far.

She had come just in time to hear the snarky comment the youngest of the group made, bringing a smirk to her muzzle. This was certainly going to be interesting. Alena dipped her head to the russet brute in a respectful greeting. She remained silent for now, simply sinking to her haunches and draping her tail over her forepaws to wait for this meeting of sorts to begin. She had left her family back at the Red Forest with Dempsey on purpose, wanting to get a feel for this new leader before bring her pups in front of him.
