
Just a little wine




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-09-2023, 11:16 PM

Avacyn wasn't sure what she had hoped to achieve when she began speaking to Scylla about her feelings for Albion and her regrets for having to break off their relationship. Unsurprisingly Scylla immediately agreed that Albion did in fact deserve better than her. Even with the growl and the bite behind her words, Avacyn didn't flinch away from the hostility or feel defensive in anyway. Albion did deserve better than what she would have been able to give him–she had said so herself to Scylla and to Albion himself. She glanced over as Scylla snatched up another bottle to continue her drinking and Avacyn let out a slow breath through her nose as she continued to sip on her own wine as well. The silence settled back between them and she wondered if that was all that was going to be said this evening. She was certainly a lightweight when it came to her liquor so even just the one bottle of wine she was steadily finishing was doing a good job of warming her from the inside out and making the world feel slightly tilted so maybe with enough time more words might free themselves from her lips with its influence.

Instead, Scylla was the first to break the silence, speaking about Albion's fury over their father first sending her to Elysium without him and without asking for his opinion on the matter. She turned her head a bit to look at Scylla as she spoke, listening as she spoke of how Albion had put aside his own feelings to agree to the arrangement their parents had made on their behalf. She had seen first hand just how selfless Albion had been in all of this when she went down to Auster herself to speak to Albion and admit her feelings for Saracyn before he moved to Elysium to be with her. She knew that his agreement to this betrothal had not been with his own interests at heart and that's one of the reasons why it had been so painfully difficult to end it how she had. Her ears flicked at the sound of one of the bottles Scylla had been drinking from breaking against the one she tossed aside, but that was nothing compared to the flinch she made as Scylla's anger continued to escalate and she jabbed at her apparent lack of duty, honor, and morals.

Before she could find a response, Scylla was suddenly on her feet–well, she was briefly, at least. The smaller woman began to tumble just as soon as she was on her paws, making Avacyn gasp softly as she staggered to her paws as well in an attempt to go help Scylla as she rolled down the short distance between them and the edge of the water. She hadn't consumed nearly as much alcohol as Scylla had, but her system was far from used to the influence of it so it still took her a solid moment to right herself and manage to step down the pebbled shore to where Scylla had landed with a drawn out curse. She began to reach out a paw to help Scylla out of the water, but hesitated and withdrew her paw once more, deciding that it was likely that the Klein woman might bite off her toes if she tried to touch her. "Scylla, are-" she began to ask, but stopped in stunned silence as Scylla began to cry.

Blinking with shock, her ears flicked back while she stood there at a complete loss of what she should do. Even though she didn't know Scylla all that well, she knew her well enough to know that this was very unusual for the slate woman. Slowly, Avacyn sank down onto her haunches as she listened to Scylla's quiet words that were spoken through her tears. There was nothing Scylla could have said that would hurt her more than she had already hurt herself over this whole situation, but it did just remind her that one decision still had further, rippling effects that she could never have really contained. "He is so, so good," she agreed quietly, solemnly. "Far better than any of us. But I would also slay the world to keep Saracyn safe. I saw how my love for Albion hurt him more deeply than anything else and if I hadn't broke off that engagement I would have lost him." Her voice broke a bit at that fact, her throat tight with emotion as frustrated tears of her own welled up in her eyes. "I can't live without Saracyn any more than you could live without Albion," she added with a shake of her head, gritting her teeth a bit as she looked down at the rocks between the. "I tried to be the daughter and the Matriarch that my mother wanted to be. I agreed to the engagement because I already felt too guilty about the love I had for Sara and thought that I had risked ruining our family line enough as it was, but the only thing Sara had ever asked for in his whole life was me. I had to give him that."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Just a little wine Firefly Lake 03:45 PM, 05-23-2023 11:10 AM, 03-19-2024