
Halloween Klein Kids

Chimera x Aliana Litter #3


10-10-2023, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2023, 01:57 AM by MalBelle. Edited 7 times in total.)
OOC Name: MalBelle
Character Name: Elara ‘El’ Klein
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Medium build, Medium height - 34”

Chubby and curvaceous, El’s all delicate lines and downy softness, with wide hips, slender waist and a broad chest. She’s about as scary as a turtle dove, and has an innocent, cherubic look about her, which she utilises to its full potential. After all, how can anyone excuse her of harm when she looks so dang cute? As a pup she will be rather chubby, a round ball of fluff with rolls to spare - but she will grow into her body as she ages, becoming a full-bodied woman. Her snowy coat is forever pristine and shining, for she grooms near-obsessively and hates to look anything but her best. Freckles dot her face, furthering her angelic exterior, and a pair of wide bluebell eyes ringed with baby pink stare out from a curtain of long pale lashes, granting her a perpetually guileless expression.

| prissy, precious, daddy’s girl, jealous, sharp-tongued, brattish, cunning, flirtatious |
As a child she will be quite the whiny, spoiled little brat, very open about the things that displease her. If she wants something she will stomp around in a bad temper and wheedle until she gets it. As she gets older, she will learn to be more clever and subtle, utilising manipulative tactics and batting those pretty little eyes until she gets it. She’s precious about her appearance and grooms often to maintain a pristine white coat; as such she dislikes getting her hands dirty and will thrust anything gross upon someone else the first chance she gets. This, however, does not extend to hunting and fighting: the girl has a vicious streak that derives satisfaction from blood sport and takes pride in her ability to provide for her pack and defend her family. She wears the blood of her prey and opponents as a badge of honour; it will be the only grime she doesn’t immediately wash off. Prim and precious, she harbours a strong distaste for bad manners and poor decorum; she likes to believe herself a lady up until the very moment she’s ripping your throat out.

Of course, she possesses a flair for the dramatic, and has a tendency to exaggerate or blow things a liiiitle out of proportion - but it does make her a rather entertaining storyteller. She’s easily jealous and covetous of what she considers ‘hers’ - and often just seeing someone enjoy something will spurn her own desire to have it for herself - but equally fickle, and can grow bored of things at the drop of a hat. Always one for drama, the girl will flirt with anything that moves once she becomes a teenager. She’s absolutely gorgeous, after all, and everyone else should be so lucky that she even looked their way.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting
Potential plots, plans, etc.:
- be daddy’s little princess
- have a more level-headed/ grounded childhood friend she can cajole into adventures who will act as a kind of foil/voice of reason to her nonsense.