
Ticking Time Bomb




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-11-2023, 10:10 PM

He had gone on a patrol, but Beauregard was still feeling on edge. Tanelan and the others hadn’t told him what the wolf who had attacked them looked like. He was worried, and that worry had him on edge. Why didn’t they want to tell him? He was their mate, he was supposed to protect them! All of them. He was jittery the whole patrol, and though there had been no sign of other wolves or predators on his patrol, Beauregard knew he couldn’t head back yet. Blind, Payday, and Trill would keep an eye on his mates and Trixy. But Beauregard needed to do some digging. He would go just beyond the Bifrost and see if he might gather some information. Wolves with aggressive nature like that normally lashed out at others more than once. Beauregard was sure he’d find the one who had hurt his mates and bring them to justice.

Beau moved with purpose through the lands around the Hallows, away from the falls that he had claimed for Norad. The temperature in the air began to shift as he neared the Bifrost. The heat of summer had dropped, and he could feel a chill in the air coming from the water around the land bridge. Blue skies had gone from cloudless to nothing but a sheet of angry gray, and Beauregard’s ears flicked back as he glanced up at it. Was it going to snow? It certainly felt cold enough to do so. Beauregard fluffed his coat up against the weather, when the familiar sight of a rainbow marked man stalking across the land bridge caught his attention. Beauregard frowned, furrowing his brow as he saw his agitated expression.

The man was part of Ethne, that much Beau knew. But what was on his mind to have him so on edge? Beauregard stopped, calling to him. “What’s eating at you?”


Word Count: 314 Words
Total Word Count: 314 Words

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Ticking Time Bomb The Bifröst 10:10 PM, 10-11-2023 07:57 AM, 01-30-2024