
Ticking Time Bomb




Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

10-11-2023, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2023, 07:58 AM by Bae-Syl. Edited 2 times in total.)

If all of the kings

Bae had moved further than normal in his endeavors to patrol and keep his family safe. The chill in the air oddly didn't bother him, though most of his lineage had come from a cold inhospitable place. His eyes were on the seas, glaring at the rolling waves as he was called to.

His ear flicked to the voice to display he had heard them. But he saw no reason to shout back and forth. His eyes turned settling on the man. He was the one who was originally part of Ethne. He had left though to for a branch pack. His nose flared as he took in the scents of encroaching storm and the male.

Not a threat. Rosco worridly looked at Bae as he didn't answer but kept standing there glaring. The husky had been a gift from Bells. But Bae hardly took him places.

Finally after probably what felt like eons he would speak. "Gav is missing, and there's too many in this world out there ready to do to us as Gav's killer did to him. So take a guess." he was blunt, honest, and probably sounded agitated. But he was sure he had the eyes of a killer right now.

He was ready to put his mother's sire's blood to use. He was a father and ready to also wear the mantle of a killer if he had to to protect his family. His head then turned to the seas again.

Silent invitation to watch the waves roll sent to the man. He knew him from a distance but not from a friendly place yet. "how about you, Beauregard?" he had noticed the male looked just as stressed as him.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

290 words

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. Ticking Time Bomb The Bifröst 10:10 PM, 10-11-2023 07:57 AM, 01-30-2024