
fish with me, dad!

mortis - winter seasonal


10-12-2023, 09:24 AM
They were going on a trip! A trip farther than she had ever been on before! Ursa's good-natured and happy-go-lucky attitude kept her warm as they traveled south through the snow. From the wintry slopes of the col down to the expanse of sand that glittered in the southern sun, Ursa was amazed. All of the different terrains they had gone through had been such an experience! And with her father at her side, she felt invincible! They'd even met a few family members along the way and hunted so many different animals. Yet, she was excited to see what they would find in Auster. The idea alone of Auster was incredible and Ursa simply couldn't wait.

Her pace picks up as they come down toward the end of the rocky and steep valley where her pale lilac eyes land on the sparkling sands of the Bifrost. From here, she can see the shadowy buildings of Hearthstone, the Hallow's main residence. A quiet gasp falls from her ivory lips as she comes to a stop in the sand. Wiggling her toes, she looks back over her shoulder to her father, Mortis. "Dad, the sand here is warm! And soft!" The young and round pup exclaims as her tail wags excitedly behind her. Unsurprisingly, the sand here was much different than the cove back home. Without hesitation, Ursa sticks her nose down and digs it into the sand a bit and moves it around until she's pulling her head back up and sneezes a few times.

"Oh, this is so beautiful and long and whoa! All this water!" Her excitement is clear as she bounds along the Bifrost toward the center of the land bridge. "Why's it so different dad? Is there where we're fishing?" She calls out, her tongue hanging from her lips as she hops and skips further along. "You think there's big fish out here?! Like big big fish!" Ursa is more than happy to be somewhere new! Especially since it wasn't so cold here! The sun was shining and there wasn't a single cloud to be seen! Well, except out in the distance. Storm clouds lingered along the ocean's horizon but those were so far away! Nothing to worry about!

"Teach me to fish, pleeeeease," Ursa finally stops as her whining tones call out to Mortis. Turning in place to face her winged father, she grins up at him as she shifts her weight back and forth, practically tapping and dancing where she stood.

wc: 418/1500

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1. fish with me, dad! The Bifröst 09:24 AM, 10-12-2023 06:03 PM, 11-08-2023