


11-03-2013, 12:24 AM

His vision was red now, rage and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He could feel his pulse all through his body, especially in his left shoulder, he could feel the heat of the blood as his heart pumped it through his veins and it spilled through his skin. His ear and skull felt as through it was on fire and yet he moved forward and away from Morgan without a second thought. Somewhere in the back of his mind pain and hurt flared but he barely limped as face contorted into a malicious grin. It had been his first battle and he had won... He felt invincible, unstoppable and at the same time anger towards everyone coursed through him. Gaze turned to the white angel who led them and for a moment he always wanted to charge in and attack the male, their so called leader who had lead them all to this blood bath. Sickly green gaze drifted over the fallen, barely registering anything. No doubt snarls and barks and cries of pain twisted through the air around him but all he could hear was the thump thump of his own heart. Eyes were wide and wild, tail lashing like a rattle snake behind him. He was moving in a naturally defensive state now, shoulder rolled forward and hunched with his head lowered and neck scrunched. His head chin was tipped down and blood rolled freely from the wounds on the top of his skull. Abdomen was clenched, all his core strength bunched and coiled tight. Even as he walked his joints were loose and ready, the only stiffness coming from his shoulder but it was simple stiff, whatever pain there was had been dulled by a mixture of adrenaline and battle lust.

He wanted the bastard dead, after everything he had done to Azalea, after everything he had done to this pack. He had liked the woman, had liked her fire and her spunk but that was gone now, it was all gone because of him. Vixe hadn't seen her since she had first come to Glaciem but had heard through the grape vine that she had become impregnated. That she was carrying Isa's bastard children. Rage and hatred blinded him to the world around him and as he approached the battle of multiple wolves he dropped down into a quick crouch. Pain flared in his right hip and immediately he sprung, wanting to get away from that pain so Sarak's second attack didn't land. But now that rage was turned onto a new target as the small male jumped at Vixe's left side. Green eyes were wild as the male latched onto mostly fur and a bit of loose flesh on the side of his neck but his teeth bit in and blood began to well around the wounds. But the male only smiled, he was already low to the ground from his leap so left paws slid out and his stance widened. All at once the pressure was gone and Vixe was moving away from Sarak. "Look, its Azalea's little boyfriend, you've put on weight!" His tone was mocking, harsh and dripped with venom as he began to move in a circle around the male. He took a moment to reset his defences. "I fucked her you know, she begged me right after she offered herself to Glaciem... Wanted me to go before Isa I suppose... Everyone's probably had their turn with her by now." Lies, brutal lies but whatever love she had felt towards the woman he had once cared for and whatever hatred he had felt towards Isaradis was now gone and all that was left was the need to make this male feel pain.

He was snickering and sneering now, features twisted into a contorted grin. Nose was wrinkled into a half snarl half smile as his lower jaw unhinged and tongue draped over already bloodied jaws as he took a brief moment to catch his breath. His heart beat still raced wildly through his body to the point where it was all he could feel and hear. "Will you take her back after we send her limping back to you? Beaten. Broken. And pregnant?" The last word was spat out at the same time that he sprang, haunches curling beneath him and then launching himself at the much smaller male. Eyes were narrowed, ears tipped back while he lowered his head so he only presented meaty flesh and fur for the male to attack at. He would throw himself at the male, covering the short distance between them like a freight train though most of is attack depending on how Sarak would take the news of his girlfriend. Tail trailed behind him like a banner as he attempted to ram his right (uninjured) shoulder into Sarak's chest to try and throw him off balance or wind him. Head was kept low to the ground so gaping jaws snapped at Sarak's right front paw, trying to grab the joint of the delicate bone of his foreleg. He wanted to dislocated it or maybe even break the bone. He wanted blood, pain. He wanted this male to feel such pain that his voice would twist up in an unrecognizable howl. His mind was gone now, tactic and sense gone out the window as it had with the white bitch who had stood before him last. All he wanted was blood.

Fight Statistics

Vixe vs Sarak for Maim

Move: 1 of 2


Defences: Neck scrunched, chin down, shoulders hunched, abdomen tucked, spine aligned, tail behind him for balance, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, stance splayed, joints loose, jaw unhinged and ready to bite. Pretty much going to berserk mode now so defences might be out the window soon.

Attacks: Took a moment to regain his balance after Sarak let go, taunted him for a psychological attack before rushing at him in an attempt to throw his right shoulder into Sarak?s chest while his head when to the left to try and grab onto Sarak?s right (Vixe?s left) leg. Attempting to grab the paw or foreleg to dislocate or break.

Injuries: Four gouge wounds to the top of his skull, split ear that is bleeding heavily. Flesh wound on his right front shin. Four deep puncture wounds to his left shoulder with bruising as well, leg damaged and he will begin limping once the adrenaline wears off. Puncture wounds with a bit of a tear to the top of his inner and outer thigh, also will hurt once the adrenaline wears off as well as superficial punctures and tears to the loose skin of his ruff.

Knock outs achieved 1/5
