



11-03-2013, 01:03 PM

Rage. it fueled him and it made him want to absolutely destroy. It hadn't been so innumerable until the words had struck his mind--until he realized it was his daughter's pain and her pride on the line. He had always been harsh on Azalea and it was always to strengthen her--but his love for her was far more than the stars in the sky and it could not simply be contained. She was his daughter. And he was her father. And he was beyond the natural assumption of anger. It frothed and careened and churned in his mind and as Vixe spoke of all of the things that Collision hadn't known about her...

Sarak...was not to fall in his good graces either. He had been with Azalea? Had he not known better? Valhalla had taken the boy under its wings and given him a new life and he had royally spat in their faces by swaying from morality. It angered him--but his was not out of animosity. His was not out of the wish to destroy his daughter. Vixe's was. Though Collision did not know the boy's name and though he made no sound, for his anger was too great, he attempted ascension to Vixe's right side.

Body would act as a battering ram and Collision would attempt to thrust his left shoulder directly in the center of Vixe's right side (aiming for the rib cage), hopefully crushing his bones. Oh the force, if it, would inflict damage on himself and yet adrenaline had the ability to keep it at bay. Simultaneously, teeth would press forward aiming to dive deep into Vixe's right shoulder. Top set of teeth would aim to hook over the curve of his shoulder, and bottom set would seek to dive heavily into the fleshy part of his shoulder. Regardless of grabbing the flesh or not he would smash his teeth together and hopeful of a hold he would aim to destroy the ligaments.

At the same time as his other attacks Collision needed to assist himself in stopping the advancements of Vixe and so his left limb would sneak forward in an attempt to slam down on Vixe's right foot--also an attempt to hopefully crush bones.

His defenses had climbed into place over the course of each attack, thus being done in similar time, ears were pinned against his skull and his eyes were narrowed in on Vixe's shoulder -his target- also, his spine was in perfect alignment with his tail held out and up both in a show of dominance and to act as a rudder for balance improvement. Three limbs were on the ground (his front left limb being the exception) and his weight was perfectly placed between each of them. His neck was coiled back a bit to assist his rolled shoulder in hiding his vitals in fur, flesh, and fat. Knees were slightly bent to help his balance and paws gripped for traction on the Valhallan earth. Chin tucked as much as it could be, and jaws obviously agape, the aforementioned attacks rolled out fueling his anger.

Collision & Sarak vs. Vixe for CASTRATION

round one