
Pumpkin Picking Event



10-13-2023, 11:04 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2023, 11:23 AM by Nyx. Edited 2 times in total.)
<div class=thead>Pumpkin Picking Event</div>

We're kicking off this Halloween season with a low-stakes (but still fun) pumpkin picking event! <u>Each character can try to pick one pumpkin,</u> with a <u>max of 10 characters per player</u> who can enter. Each character will find a pumpkin vine and follow it, and see what size pumpkin it leads to!

Keep in mind that each pumpkin patch has its own unique features, so pay attention to the patch descriptions before choosing! There is no one patch that will guarantee a the biggest or smallest pumpkin. <i>Don't forget you can use your lucky rabbit's feet and firefly's favor on these rolls if you choose!</i>

There are 4 different pumpkin patches you can choose from:

<center><img src="" width=500px></center><li><b>The normal pumpkin patch</b>. This is the most picturesque of all the pumpkin patches. This is what you think of when you envision a pumpkin patch! This pumpkin patch has everything you could ever want, from big to small pumpkins, but there are very few tiny ones here!</li>
<center><img src="" width=500px></center><li><b>The big 'n' small patch</b>. This patch has a mixture of pumpkins, from smaller pumpkins to larger ones (and not a lot in-between!). Picking from this patch is a little risky due to the drastic size differences, but you do see some huge pumpkins out there in the field....</li>
<center><img src="" width=500px></center><li><b>The treasure patch</b>. This patch seems to have smaller-than-average pumpkins, with a few large one sprinkled sparsely throughout, but... some seem to be hiding treasure underneath them. Exciting!</li>
<center><img src="" width=500px></center><li><b>The dangerous patch.</b> This patch includes the largest pumpkins of them all, but picking from here is dangerous, so you might not even be able to pick one! You may receive minor injuries or loss of gems, as well as the chance to not succeed in picking one at all.</li>

<div class=tcat>Rewards</div>

<b>Top 3 largest pumpkins picked will receive their choice of the following prizes</b>:
Extended Litter Pass, Mystery Litter Pass, Post-acceptance mutation pass, or post-acceptance dire/toy height pass.

<b>Top 3 smallest pumpkins will receive</b>:
500 Gems each!

[b]Pumpkin Patch[/b]:

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1. Pumpkin Picking Event Updates/Events Archive 11:04 AM, 10-13-2023 09:26 AM, 07-02-2024
2. Pumpkin Picking Event Updates / Events 09:26 AM, 07-02-2024 07:40 AM, 04-25-2024