

The Judge


11-03-2013, 01:08 PM

Tidus & Thane vs. Isardis, Artemis & Argent


Round 1:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, splayed toes, raised hackles, balanced tail, protected neck, parted jaws, narrowed eyes, pinned ears.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for pushing between Isardis and Tidus, slamming weight on Tidus, attack to Tidus' eyes.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Argent Total: 48 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected neck, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, raised hackles, parted jaws, tucked tail, balanced stance, splayed toes.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for attack to ribcage, hit with chest to Rix's body, attack to spine.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Artemis Total: 50 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

I read your OOC note and I am taking less points away because of it but next time, difficult as it is, you need to acknowledge attacks. When confusion/PP happens try to be the least invasive as possible. Don't assume attacks, don't completely dodge attacks etc. because the points that skewed in these sections will be taken from the other player's points through the PP category.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tucked tail, protected throat, raised hackles, parted jaws, equalized stance, splayed toes.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for attack towards right side of Rix's ribcage and attempt to trip Rix.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

None. Points deducted from PP to make up difference.

Round two Artemis Total: 42 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Power Playing found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tucked tail, protected throat, raised hackles, parted jaws, balanced stance, spalyed toes.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Full points for attack towards Thane's right hind limb.

INJURIES: 10/ 10


Round three Artemis Total: 43 / 50


Round 1:

*Attacked on upper right shoulder
CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

"Isardis would hear his speeding arrival and whip his body around... just before the foolish creature was upon him." I don't think it's realistic for him to turn completely around in that space of time.

"sending his own jaws reaching out for the left side of the arked beast's lower jaw" If Tidus has a grasp on Isardis' left shoulder, this would be difficult to attempt even if they are head on.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, even stance, splayed toes, protected throat, ready stance.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for headbutting Tidus and attack to lower, left jaw.


Bite wound on left side of neck/ left shoulder.

Round one Isardis Total: 40 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 8 / 10
"It seemed his forward motions towards tidus would excuse him unknowingly from thr red woman's blow" I'm not sure what you mean here. Didn't her attack already land?

I know you acknowledge Tidus' attack but you have it land drastically different than intended.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance/weight, tucked tail, tense abdomen, protected neck, splayed toes, raised hackles, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, ready jaws.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Full points for attack to Tidus' belly and eyes.


Bite wound to right shoulder and left front chest.

Round two Isardis Total: 39 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Power Playing found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for countering Thane's attack, balanced stance, tucked tail, tensed abdomen, splayed toes, protected throat, raised hackles, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, parted jaws.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Thane's right forelimb, and attack to left paw.


Minor bite wound to hind left ankle, minor bite wound to flank, minor bite wound to scruff.

Round three Isardis Total: 40 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 5 / 10
"In the case of Isardis avoiding the lunge thus his attention be taken away from Tiudus." I'm not sure what you mean in this sentence.

Also you shouldn't nests attacks like this, it's confusing and leads to PP.

"Thane made sure to stay where he would not be seen" You can't assume this.

DEFENSES: 3 / 10

Full points for pinned ears, protected throat, balanced tail.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Isardis' back, attack to spine.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Thane Total: 30 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 2 / 10
"Tidus would aim an attempt towards the right hind thigh" What is Tidus attempting to do? Bite?

"If his attack succeeded then he would...should any of his attacks fail then..." Try not to nest your attacks in this way, using alternate phrasing. Nesting attacks like this leads to confusion and power playing.

"He would ry to rake forward with is left paw in an attempt to unbalance the white king" What is Tidus raking at?

"Tidus woud... try and deliver a good bite to the king' right haunch." Isn't this already what he is doing?

"Just out of his sights." You cannot assume this.

" he neared his target to deliver a surprising and painful blow" Make sure to always write your attacks as if they are pending.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, protected throat, balanced tail, balanced stance.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Isardis' right thigh and attempt to trip Isardis.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Tidus Total: 31 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 5 / 10
"...though Tidus had not missed some sort of mark." I'm not sure what you mean in this sentence.

"...and then release for his next move." Confusing gramatical errors here.

"If his attack was successful, or if it missed..." This is confusing. If his attack is successful it should land the way it was intended to land.

"...narrowly dodging Isar's seeking teeth..." You can't completely dodge an opponent's attack.

"...then he would come to be on all fours and shoot forward..." when closing distance or completeing a complex move, like the roll you used here you need to give your opponent time to react. You do not do this.
" bite and grab...the achilles tendon." Isardis and Tidus are still head to head after Tidus' roll, this would be a difficult place to target.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, tucked tail, protected throat and counter to Isardis' attack.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for continued attack to Isardis' neck, and attack to heel.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bruised face.

Round two Tidus Total: 29 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 4 / 10
"Tidus' head would snap up in an attempt to grab onto Isardis' exposed belly." When is his belly exposed?
Since all PP points have been taken Clarity points were taken for the following:

You completely disregard the positioning Tidus and Isardis are in in the previous round.

"...gravity would fall in Tidus' favor as his speed allowed him to move before the albino's shoulder hit him." You can't completely dodge attacks.

"...for a fleeting milisecond..." A roll is not going to be this fast.

"...Tidus' lunge towards Isardis' achilles tendon would hit..." It doesn't hit here. You CAN NOT assume attacks like this.

Additional points deducted for failure to communicate with opponent. Do not assme things. Only seek the advice of the judge of your fight or your opponent.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, splyaed toes, tucked tail, raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tensed abdomen.

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Full points for continued attack to Isardis' neck, and continued attack to heel.

Since all PP points have been taken Attack were points taken for the following:

"...teeth aimed for the belly on Isar's left side..." this is the second time you've attacked his belly. This uses too many sequential attacks and doesn't leave a lot of time for the opponent to react.

INJURIES: 4 / 10

Bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lower back/haunch.
Since all PP points have been taken Injury points were taken for the following:

"Tidus felt the teeth of the white beast hit his hind end..." You acknowledge his attack but you land it completely differently than intended.

Round three Tidus Total: 18 / 50


Argent: 48 /50

Artemis: 45 /50

Isardis: 39 /50

Thane: 30 /50

Tidus: 26 /50

And the winners are ...

Argent, Artemis, Isardis & Thane! Tidus is now KO'd. Argent's attempt to blind Tidus is successful and he is now blind in his right eye.


Argent- None from this battle.

Artemis- None from this battle.

Isardis- Bite wound on left side of neck/ left shoulder, Bite wound to right shoulder and left front chest, Minor bite wound to hind left ankle, minor bite wound to flank, minor bite wound to scruff.

Thane- Artemis' attack is pending.

Tidus- Bruised face, bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lowerback/haunch, right eye is now blinded.

I'm going to be brief because there was so much content in this fight. The biggest issue here was powerplaying. You can't assume where attacks land, you can't completely dodge other character's attacks, you should not have your opponent's attacks land drastically differently than intended and make sure your attacks are always ATTEMPTED and give space for the other player to react. You also can't completely close a distance between a character with 100% stealth.

Please contact me on Skype individually for feedback on your individual posts <3

- Vivien