

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-09-2013, 03:21 PM

jupiter illidais

they will come, she had thought. and come they had.

the first was heard from afar, revealing her presence in the distance with a jubilant cry unintelligible from jupiter's distance. she was ready for her appearance, ears pushing forward as far as they could go as she prepared herself for the first creature that could be the first potential member of ludicael--besides herself, of course.

the being that entered her path of site was one of tawny and sandy hues, pelt a swathe of honeys and creams that, with a bit of fiery saturation, would be similar in color to jupiter's own fur. celestial eyes locked onto the lass, gaze unwavering and solid. her ears drank in the lyrics of the other, and a good-natured smile broke across her face. nothing betrayed her inner thoughts, but within, jupiter ridiculed the creature. the sol appreciated the boldness of the other, but it took more than that to qualify for such an important position. if the new leader were to die tomorrow, would this wolf lead well? that right there was the problem with this individual's request--she had no way to be certain or even begin to fathom the consequences of choosing a second-in-command so soon.

"i appreciate your spunk," she said light-heartedly, a rumble of laughter painfully rolling through her chest, but she endured it without even a wince. "but i know not even your name. indeed this is a new pack, but a pack i shall build on solid foundations. in time, my dear, you may just earn that position. stay a while, and give me time to think." her tail wagged slightly as she looked affably down upon her quarry, inner thoughts solidly locked in. the lupine's courage helped curb the edge on her musings so they weren't so harsh, but before she could ponder over it any further, let alone speak, two new creatures made their appearance, close to each others' sides as if they had never been without one another.

just what we need, she commented, oddly pleased by this relationship. close bonds early on. she lifted her head as they presented themselves, eyes soft and features gentle, attention on the both of them as they gave introductions. she took specific note of their displays of respect, using the proper amount of respect and boldness. what a pair they made. and so young!

"a pleasure, cetotorah, luana. i am jupiter. it is a pleasure to meet you." she switched her gazes between both of them, back and forth, and then widened her smile. "you both shall have plenty of time to prove yourselves, if you stay a little while." not forgetting her other company, she turned her path of sight to rest on the first arrival. "and you as well. your name?"

? 465 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
thank you guys so much for replying! c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.