
Tingling Paws

Aria I


11-03-2013, 03:13 PM
ooc: Hope you don't mind me skipping forward.

With his nod and accepting the idea Aria would turn back to what she was doing, using a paw to drag some herbs over that she had set aside, then gently grabbing two large leaves. She would lay one down, then the other leave the opposite direction, next she would bring the herbs over and carefully set them in the middle and fold the leaves over it. "Alright, this is ready. Grab a rabbit or two from by the bed and we'll head down to find some water, shouldn't eat without some liquids in ya." She would explain, motioning towards the rabbits with a smile.

With a grunt the woman would lift herself up, gently grabbing the leaf ends in her jaws and lifting her head. She would turn away from the man and pad over to the tunnel entrance, once he got some prey she would lead him down the dark tunnel system, then outside into the old. A shiver would run down her spine, still not quite used to the change in scenery. The woman wouldn't linger on it for long, she would motion for the man to follow, leading him away from her little home.

After about an hour of walking they would finally come upon a stream, Aria sitting on the edge, setting the leaf filled herbs down beside her. She would bend down and get a quick drink, lifting it up and looking towards Haku. "Alright Handsome, hop in." She chuckled, the atmosphere much lighter, happier around the two.
