
Headstrong into the Storm



Extra small
11-03-2013, 05:26 PM

She had set her sights on new things now that the formalities were out of the way. Regardless of how her day had transpired she had met the goblin girl and had successfully usurped the impending awkwardness to turn her sights to something far more intriguing. This was the path before her and this was the life she was wanting to see. the rolling green grass-oh how happy it made her. Novella gave her the assurance that she would be fine, and it was quite honestly all that Fal'dara needed to display confidence. she, however, did not move with confidence as it was not something that was enamored well by her. She was delicate and would never be a warrior--no she would be the princess that everyone went to war over;that they needed so desperately to protect. Fragile.

It took no more time than she had begun walking that Novella asked her a question...what kind of aunt didn't know her name? Curiosity ebbed at her mind and she waited a moment before letting the words embrace her mother's sister, "Fal'dara," she didn't need to tell her that she belonged to Ludicael or that her last name was destruction because she already knew all that. Though, it was arguable to admit that, perhaps, she should have told her that her favorite color was pink or that her favorite sound was running water. It was all different depending on the creature--and Fal'dara didn't really know any etiquette to supplement the situation. What she had given the other was enough and it would have to last. Though--she did have one question, "What's the prettiest thing in the world?" she wanted desperately to see it.
