
The Summer Bonfire

Pack seasonal event, open to current pack guests


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-14-2023, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2023, 12:37 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 2 times in total.)
TW: mentions of child loss & depression

Time felt like it had been passing painfully slowly. It had only been a couple of seasons since they had lost the first litter that they had wanted for so long. Two, beautiful pups...gone, before they even had a chance to live. Claire had taken it pretty hard, but he didn't blame her. He hadn't taken it very well, either, and in the typhoon of emotions revolving around their loss, Greed had taken it upon himself to be strong for both of them. To keep them moving forward. He swore the loss had nearly destroyed Claire. She hadn't wanted to let them go, but if he hadn't taken them away to bury them, he was sure she would've lost herself even more. Neither of them had seen it coming. Her pregnancy had been relatively easy, but the birth? He had been around quite a few births...but this one had gone wrong. He didn't know why. Though he couldn't help but feel like maybe it was his fault. Perhaps he wasn't meant to be a father. Maybe it was fate telling him it was not meant to be. Still, he ignored those thoughts and focused on trying to get Claire better. They spent a bit of time with their newborns before he took them away to be buried outside of pack lands.

The memory of having to do that tore at his heart every day, but there was nothing else he could've done. He promised Claire he'd always be there for her. And for the first time, prayed, that the pups would be taken care of. He hoped they'd end up wherever Avalon was...and if they did, he knew she'd take good care of them.

Lifting himself away from Claire, he stepped outside the den to sit and think. Hunger gnawed at his belly, but his appetite hadn't been the same for a while now. The old man wasn't sure what to do. They hadn't told Artorias or anyone else what had happened...had secluded themselves for the most part since then. But he doubted that either of them and their lack of activity had gone unnoticed. And while Claire had rarely left the den since that day, it was probably no secret that she had been pregnant at one point, and then she wasn't. That no pups were bouncing around their den or playing with the other Hallows kids. Some part of him felt jealous that Artorias and Briar and, as far as he knew, another pair or two had managed to have pups of their own. But he couldn't be mad or blame them for his own misfortune. It wasn't their fault. He desperately had wanted to share that same happiness with his mate. But perhaps it wasn't meant to be.

Hearing the call then, Greed contemplated whether they should go or not. He hadn't been doing much save for making sure Claire was fed and taken care of, and his duties to the pack had fallen far to the wayside. Maybe...maybe this would be a decent opportunity to distract from it all. And show Artorias that they were still here...sort of. Or at least, that they hadn't abandoned the Hallows. He was trying. He really was. But how did one overcome such a loss? Losing his own family, and then losing Avalon all those years ago had been hard enough. But this hit different. Sighing, he went back inside the den and gently nosed Claire. "We should go. At least for a little bit...might be good for us instead of hiding away in here."

He frowned as she curled into herself. "Claire...please? For me? I understand you're still grieving...I am, too. But...things happen sometimes...for reasons that we don't understand..." He sat down and gently nuzzled her. "Take some comfort at knowing that they're with your mother." He took in a deep breath as he quieted. Then slowly, she began to stir until she sat up. He couldn't help the small smile. Some progress, at least. "Come on. You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to. Let's least show we're still around. Sort of." He shrugged. He wasn't sure how it was going to go or if anyone would care, but some part of him did.

Together, they made their way to the the bonfire and made it as others arrived too, before it had been lit. Quietly, they both went to seat themselves closer to the outskirts, though Greed had gotten a bit of food for them as they passed. Sitting down, he offered some to Claire, and the pair waited for the ceremony to start.


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1. The Summer Bonfire The Starlit Plains 03:33 PM, 10-05-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024