Two seasons come spring. She sized him up-- only a few months, but he was young, and that was ... probably quite a bit of his life. He must have been young, certainly. Bylgja nods.
"... two seasons."Her ears pin back. She isn't the smartest of women, but she's smart enough to know that she can play this to their mutual advantage.
"So... it's even more important you be seen giving meat to the stores." Her voice isn't harsh, but it is strong, nonetheless.
As Strai begins to break down the reindeer, Bylgja speaks up. "Save me the pelt-- the head and neck portion. I can make that into a neck guard for you, if you'd rather have that than a shield." She pauses. "I'll look for herbs. There's plenty here. You continue to break that down."
With that, Bylgja finally picks up her axe and places it back on her side, before she begins to snuffle about in the snow, looking at the bases of nearby ragged rocks, digging under patches where it seems that medicinal herbs could have gotten stuck. "You don't have to give all of the meat to the stores. Just some. Take as much as you need. We will give the pack the rest. It'll be good, in your favor." She looks up from her search only long enough to speak to him.