
The Summer Bonfire

Pack seasonal event, open to current pack guests


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
10-15-2023, 12:36 AM
TW: mentions of child loss & depression

Things had...not gone particularly well for her the last couple of seasons. They had lost their first litter. Two pups that she had barely gotten a chance with before fate took them away from her. It had felt like her heart had been torn out then and there. They said time healed all why did hers feel so fresh? She had gotten a few hours before Greed took them away for burial. She wanted to believe the loss had been a nightmare, but each day that she woke up, she was reminded that it wasn't. It had been real, and she had fallen into a deep depression that she felt she'd never get out of. No matter what Greed did, every day felt the same for her. Numb. Hollow. She only left for the bare necessities before returning to her bed day in and day out. Greed stayed with her most of the time, and a big part of her was grateful for him...but she also felt bad that she felt she kept him from his duties to the pack and everything else.

She felt him shift and leave her side for a few minutes, and then Artorias' call sounded. The sounds of the world were nothing more than a dull echo for her. Far off. Not in her world. But when Greed came back and nudged her, suggested that they should go, she curled in tighter. She didn't feel like she could show her face. She had had what she wanted, had been happy and elated, and like everything was right in the world. And it had all been torn away in the blink of an eye. She had no idea why. She had been careful. Hadn't done anything to jeopardize the lives she had been caring for. But it seemed fate wouldn't allow her that happiness she so desperately wanted.

Greed gently nuzzled her. Spoke to her gently, as he always did. Tried to comfort her yet again. Only this time...his words stirred a part of her heart. A part of her soul. They were with her mother...she knew that if that were true, they were in good hands. She sighed as she slowly sat up, sadness and hope in her gaze. She nodded quietly before getting up and shaking herself off. Smoothing down her coat so that she looked somewhat presentable, at least. Thankfully, Greed and her companion had been helping groom her fur during the long periods she couldn't manage to. She wasn't perfectly groomed, but she would get there. "Let's go." She whispered before he led the way out.

She walked by his side as they made their way to the annual ceremony. A number of wolves were already gathered, though the pair stuck to the outskirts of them. Her gaze remained on the ground as Greed led the way to a spot for them. She felt ashamed. Unsure. Afraid. She didn't want to really be here, but she was making an effort for him...


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