
city of gold

mojito <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2023, 07:45 PM

He was not left waiting for long, anticipation did not turn from a light flutter in his chest to the thready needling of anxiety along his ribs. No, there was Mojito emerging from the undergrowth with a brilliant smile. To look at the man was to experience his joy, and so Nao could not help but match his glee with a grin of his own. To hear his name spoken from those dark lips brought a rush of heat to his cheeks, he hadn't heard his own name in so long. Hadn't trusted a soul with its safe care... until now. "Mojito," he returned in a gentle croon, dark banner brushing against his heels with anticipation. When the pallid wolfdog brushed against him, flank to chest and tail aloft, the dark wraith dipped his muzzle so he could gently nip and tug at silken strands along his spine. Already he felt the shivers of excitement tripping up his limbs and into his belly, teeth flashing in his smile oh so wickedly. And just like that Mojito was off, wandering towards the small alcove that he'd constructed. Asked after the occasion that merited their secreting away to this corner of the falls for the night.

Slender limbs pulled him forth, sliding his flank along that of his lover with all of the subtlety of a train wreck. "No occasion, save that I have not given you the attention that you deserve lately." he admitted softly, ducking his head so he could press a few chaste kisses against the side of Mojito's neck. There was no need for mystery, no double entendre or stolen caresses warranted in these moments. They were alone, free to express desires as they so chose. And so Nao had abandoned the familiar rhythm of the slow seduction that the nobles had demanded, in favour of laying it all out in front of his lover. "You are here so I may rectify my mistakes, and treat you to a few nights of.. attention." he murmured, pressing his cheek against Mo's. The short, soft fur of their cheeks mingled as he leaned his weight against the other man. A low rumble emanated from deep in his chest, a pleased kind of hum that trembled through the skeleton from start to finish.

"If you have the time to spare," he began quietly, tipping slender skull so he might tease the soft skin of Mojito's throat with his teeth as the sentence trailed off. A soft breath exhaled against pale skin, and he moved his tender ministrations to the gentle laving of his tongue beneath that flopped-over ear. The fur there was downy soft, like a cloud. He hadn't expected clouds to taste like salt and the faintest hint of rosemary, but he wouldn't complain if that was the last thing to ever touch his tongue. "I've started a mussel and crab stew simmering, but it will need a little while longer before it is ready." The offer was left hanging in the air, which had grown warm in the space between his maw and the kiss-bitten flesh of Mojito's cheek. He was sure he could sneak a quickie into their evening before dinner was finished, just to give his lover a preview of the rest of his plans for the night...

"There's a fresh sheepskin laid out in the tent- you're far too precious to be sullied with dirt and muck." he added with a low chuckle, tearing his attention from Mojito's skin to the rough tent he'd made for them. A few slow paces to create some distance between them, give the man a chance to catch his breath. Perhaps he needed more time, something to eat, before they could preoccupy their time with one another for the night. At the heart of it, Nao was a tease and a whore, and he relished the chance to make someone beg- to want nothing more than his touch. It was cruel, perhaps, but it was as much a part of him as the beating heart in his chest. He cast a sidelong look over his shoulder, beckoning for Mojito to properly examine the bedding to ensure it was to his liking. Perhaps the wicked glint in his eyes was a trick of the light, but the gleam of his fangs in the firelight as he grinned wolfishly at his lover was perfectly obvious.

Nao & Mojito

Art by MarkLix

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