

Open exploration



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Pansexual1K
10-15-2023, 08:23 PM

His dad had told him about some of the weird places that were scattered around the two continents, and it was his mission to see them all. The old man wasn't one for exploring much lately, something about being old. Whatever. So the young titan cut a path through the snow with little concern, his bulk paired with a dense coat that kept him from really feeling any of the encroaching chill that seemed to grow with each passing day. The wisps of smoke that emerged in a steady stream from the crown of the titanic mountain drew his attention, and like a moth to a flame the aurora painted yearling moved towards it. Cords of rippling muscle pulled him up the precarious slopes, loose rock tumbling away from his paws every other step. What's more, there was a small canine figure standing at the precipice. Better go see what was going on there, yeah?

He didn't rush, if the stranger left he wouldn't be particularly crestfallen. There would be other strangers, other weird locales in which to meet them. No big loss. As he crested the summit, a wave of unnatural heat washed over him. He exhaled heavily, shaking his head in disapproval. What the fuck was this? It's winter, he was supposed to be safe on top of a fucking mountain. Now he was warm? Absolute bullshit. Golden eyes peered over the ledge, and deep below the earth there was a faint reddish glow. Ah, he'd heard about this one. The old man had mentioned there were a few volcanoes around here, and not to get too comfortable around them. Well, he'd stick around for a while, and if that molten rock started looking too friendly he'd just leave before it all came spewing over the edge. Simple enough.

Heavy skull swung about to fix his sunlit gaze upon the stranger, a diminutive creature who seemed closer to his sire's age than his own. "You live here?" he grunted as he drew closer, utterly unbothered and thus unwilling to mask his ambiguously nordic accent. "Wouldn't mind picking your brain about this place, never seen a volcano before." he added with a quirk of his brow, nodding towards the yawning pit of the mountain's maw just off to their side.

Valerian is an M rated character for violence & gore, as well as an overall mature language warning

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