
Conjecture and Gloom



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-16-2023, 10:08 AM
In reality, what Rhazien asked for in return seemed fairly simple. And after a few moments thought, she offered him a nod in acknowledgment. “That I can do.” Aurelia agreed. In receiving her request, to his credit, he was gone without any inkling of refusal. Something that genuinely surprised her. It had taken him longer than she had anticipated, but if he was new to the area, it could have taken a bit of effort to find the clearing she had described. Though, in his absence, she had remained alert, eagerly awaiting his return. But when she heard the approach of steps this time around, she remained quiet. Not really interested in a rerun of the earlier situation that brought this entire event to a head.

The brute immediately set to the instructions he had already been provided- gathering the herbs and bringing them to her- which she watched in delight. It didn’t surprise her that he omitted offering the knife back to her- she would have been more shocked if he had. When he offered up his own direction, Aurelia wouldn’t even consider dignifying Rhazien’s dumb, perverse joke with a response. But rather than insulting him, she left it alone- he did just retrieve her ritual knife after all. It only took a couple of attempts to cast a spark, and when a flash of light finally fell to the dried herbs, she was right there to stoke the flame. A small pillar of smoke began to rise in the space between them- to which she quickly moved to stack the few leaves together in order to keep the embers fed. As they began to smolder, their earthy and floral essence rapidly began to perfume the air of the den. Forgetting Rhazien’s presence, she recited the offering prayer in a hushed tone. “Nam mater, virgo, et crons. Suscipe, quaeso, munus nostrum et invitationem ut nobiscum vigilet.” If her company spoke or not, it fell on deafened ears. She was entirely absorbed in her own doings. After several deep, meditative breaths, she ended the prayer. "Dea, duc famulum tuum.” It was only then did she prop herself back up on the wall. Though her leg still hurt- maddeningly so, she had procured a moment of clarity. 

Allowing her attention to return to Rhazien as the haze from the smoke began to build, she offered him a faint grin. “That’s better.” She started. “I suppose I should thank you.” Whether he had been respectful or not, he had provided the opportunity, and that stood for something.  

"Aurelia Veratti"

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1. Conjecture and Gloom The Polar Sound 09:49 AM, 10-16-2023 05:16 AM, 10-30-2023