
Right in your own backyard



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-16-2023, 01:17 PM

Mismatched ivory and ebony paws crunched through the winter snow that covered the ground around the lake as she moved past on her way toward the pack's border. Now that she was over a year old she had a bit more freedom and most certainly took advantage of that to go out and explore whenever she possibly could. Of course she was still good about attending her lessons and training and helping out around the pack, but it would be a lie if she said she didn't rush through all of those things in order to get out and see what was beyond the confines of Ashen. Although, as she moved around the edge of the frozen lake, she looked out over the expanse of it and started to slow her steps for a moment. She knew all of Ashen's lands like the back of her paw with how many times she had criss crossed over them when she was a pup, but these days she rarely ever stopped to really look at them. Eventually she slowed to a stop as she examined the tree line on the other side of the lake and watched as a few small flurries of snow drifted down around her and landed on the ice. It wasn't that the lands her mom had picked weren't pretty, cause they certainly were, it just felt like there was some more exciting places for her to see out there. But maybe there was something here she was just missing! With a curious hum she shifted her path a bit to start circling the lake, her magenta gaze keeping an eye out for anything of note or interest that maybe she had never seen before.

"Rebel Klein"

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1. Right in your own backyard Wolfpaw Lake 01:17 PM, 10-16-2023 04:36 PM, 03-08-2024