
Nurture My Greed and My Pride


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
10-16-2023, 02:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2023, 02:05 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

It had been a day or so since his spar with Absinth beneath the overhang at the edge of the valley. In the lapse of time, he had been more comfortable sticking to himself. Especially since he didn’t feel like he had a good enough reason to approach other than he simply wanted to. And while they weren’t necessarily in a position to defend the Polar Sound as a sole territory, he still made it his personal task to try and see as much of it as he could. It left a lot of time for the solitude that he was chasing. Though, as he had been lingering near the entrance of the valley- opposite the coastline- something of entirely different interest caught his attention. He heard the lumbering beast before he saw it. If it wasn’t a fucking polar bear. After having to jump off a cliff into a snowdrift to escape two of them once … he had never regained any kind of fondness for them. Granted he and Seph had gone back and killed the one … if not both of the ones that had trapped them. He honestly couldn’t remember- it was all kind of hazy. He was prepared to offer this one the same sort of treatment, though he couldn’t do it alone.

Turning on his heels at once, he ran to grab the girl he had been strategically aware of. He would have gone for Seph, but didn’t know where the other brute could be found. Besides, this was a nice excuse to see how Absinth handled herself in a fight that wasn’t her own. Coming to a sudden halt as he found her scent- he called out to her. “How do you feel about getting your ass kicked by a bear today?” He asked openly, not entirely sure what cover she had taken, but fairly certain that she was close enough to hear him. “There’s one that just came into the valley, and while it’s not really ours to defend … I guess I don’t really need the excuse to do so. Care to join me? He offered casually, though he only lingered in place for a few more moments before turning once more to return to the last place he saw the massive tundra predator.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Nurture My Greed and My Pride The Polar Sound 02:03 PM, 10-16-2023 06:16 AM, 10-19-2023