
The Summer Bonfire

Pack seasonal event, open to current pack guests


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-16-2023, 07:01 PM

One by one the wolves of the Hallows began to congregate around the unlit bonfire, showing just how great the pack had grown in terms of numbers and culture! Wolves of all shapes, sizes, and creeds had come together to make the Hallows what it was today—a veritable melting pot of all walks of life. It brought a swell of pride to Artorias' chest. He hoped his mother would be proud of what they had become. As they all arrived, one by one Artorias would greet each wolf as they arrived.

To Clove, he gave his smallest girl a loving smile as she added her own stick to the pile, admiring the jewelry from her mother's collection she'd chosen to wear to the event. The importance of this festival would be lost on her at such a young age, but seeing her joy at getting to participate made him one happy father. Her declaration that she was going to eat so much candy brought a raucous laugh from her sire, who replied with a playful grin, "Just make sure you save some for your siblings, little love!"

To Mercury, he nodded his head in greeting back to his new Commander, then watched as the brute set his own offering onto the kindling pile. He knew what Mercury had lost; this offering and the reverence it held with it was not lost upon the Aegis.

To Ciaran he offered the same acknowledging nod, and then a glance to Bowen as well as she settled herself a short distance away. He knew his sister wasn't feeling well, so just seeing her here to support was more than he could have asked for. He smiled to her and left her be.

To Dusk, he returned her affectionate nuzzle, love and pride in Artorias' matching fiery eyes. His daughter had grown so much in just a year. She was now a doppelgänger of her mother—lithe and sleek, even sporting the same set of antlers, but in her striking jet black color. Looking at her, now almost a woman grown, Artorias was in awe of how much his children were growing. No parent had ever been prouder of their kids than he was now as she sat beside him.

Ember arrived next, as energetic as ever. He regarded his daughter with an affectionate smirk while she went about saying hi to all her siblings. She then went around to his opposite side—only to exclaim as someone else was already there. Artorias looked down with a start as a voice he did not recognize piped up asking what they were doing. A pup no older than his youngest was at his side, a pallid thing with striking rainbow markings on her fur. At first, all the Aegis could do was stare as her. Where the hell had she come from?! Taking an exploratory sniff of her coat, Artorias recognized the scent immediately. She carried the same scent Gilgamesh had when he'd seen the brute at the Valhalla challenge. She was a Raider.

The little winged Gavroche approached the stranger with Ember and immediately Artorias went on high alert, looking up and scanning their surroundings for any signs of other Raiders trespassing in their lands. If this was a surprise attack on the Hallows, he needed to be prepared. But when no one else could be seen, then even more questions arouse in his mind. Was she a lost pup? How the hell had she gotten down here? Where were her parents? Artorias didn't have time to question it right now, not with the bonfire about to start. "Uhh, hang on a moment, little one. Let me get things started." He nodded to Ysmir and Bellamy as they arrived, his attention half split between the arriving guests and the strange pup at his side.

To Bramble, Artorias greeted his daughter with a wide smile and loving eyes, nuzzling his snout against her cheek as she greeted him with their native tongue. He was quite impressed with how well her Carpathian had gotten! "Bună seara, fiica meu. Cu toată familia noastră aici, sunt cel mai fericit pe care aș putea fi vreodată. Bucură-te de seara ta cu... prietenul tău." He turned a glance over to Tate with a hint of a knowing smirk on the corner of his lips. He was glad to see the boy again under better circumstances. Tate thanked him and Artorias dipped his head back to the lad. "Our Bonfire Festival is a time for family and friends, my boy. You are certainly that to Bramble. Enjoy yourselves tonight." He spoke with a smile, but there was a glint in his eyes as he looked at Tate; a silent warning only a father could issue. Mind yourself around my little girl.

More wolves arrive one by one. Elowen, Ash, Greed and Claire. Artorias was surprised but delighted to see the couple make an appearance. He knew of their struggle and pain. Their presence was greatly appreciated. Even friends from beyond the pack began to arrive as Meme and Skorgek showed up, receiving a smile from Artorias in turn. Grimshaw and a brute he didn't recognize, but who appeared quite close to his brother. A new boyfriend, perhaps? Meadow and Vendrick, each taking a seat beside Mercury and Dusk respectively. Gloom who set up a nest of blankets for her and Audra, then Nelu who joined his brother by Dusk. Talyssa approached with her usual poise and grace, and Artorias regarded his daughter with an affectionate smile. It looked like she had been deep in her work prior to arriving. Again, Artorias looked between Dusk, Talyssa, and Bramble, marveling at how much his daughters had grown, and when Thorn appeared as well, his marveling continued to his strapping adolescent sons. Gods, he was such a proud dad!

His beautiful Queen arrived with Silas in tow, carrying with her the offering she was undoubtedly making to her mother's memory. Artorias watched Briar with nothing short of pure love in his gaze, following her every move like a lovestruck yearling and a dreamy smile on his face. All of this—their family, the bonfire's feast, the maintaining of the Hallows—all of it had been thanks to her. Artorias would never have been able to accomplish half as much without Briar in his life. As she joined him, he leaned gently back against her as she pressed her side into his, his bushy tail moving to drape across her own flowing tail behind them. A simple show of affection, but Artorias would never short her any signs of his love and devotion. As Silas settled in between them, the dire wolf leaned down to plant an affectionate lick across his son's crown, silently praising him for coming so far outside of the castle.

Fern, Gwynevere, and Tamsyn all arrived and were greeted. Artorias was glad that his mother had returned to the Hallows to live with them again. The pups loved having their grandmother around, and it also meant he didn't have to worry about her being away for so long. As the last few members began to join in, Artorias prepared to begin the festival when another strange voice chimed in at his side. Another look down and wouldn't you know it, there was another random pup he didn't recognize! This one knew the pale Raider kid though, and a quick sniff confirmed he was also a Raider. Siblings, maybe? If so, what on earth were they both doing down here?! He would deal with them both in a moment.

"Thank you all for coming. Our annual Bonfire Festival is an event I look forward to all summer long, and one near and dear to my heart. As we light this fire, the flame in the dark a symbol of our pack, we celebrate the lives of our loved ones no longer at our sides. We remember them, we mourn them, and we carry on in their name. Mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, children, friends..." Artorias took a moment of silence in reverence for everyone to say any prayers they wished before he continued. Rising to his paws, Artorias took the flint and steel and struck it against a torch Argent held for him. He took the flaming torch and turned to the bonfire, pressing the burning end to the pile of kindling in a few places until the oil-soaked wood began to catch fire. As the fire began to blaze, Artorias tossed the torch into the pile, watching as the flames engulfed the mound of wood into a massive inferno that lit up the plains for hundreds of yards in all directions. A true beacon in the night—just like the Hallows. Once the fire had reached its apex, Artorias turned back to the crowd. "Be welcome and enjoy yourselves tonight, friends! Eat, drink, celebrate with friends and family, enjoy the lives we've been so blessed to have."

Glancing down at the two Raider pups, Artorias gave them a stern "Wait here," and then he grabbed a couple of wisteria branches he had been keeping separate. He made his way over to Bellamy, offering her one of the two branches. "I'm glad you joined us tonight, Bellamy," he said, his voice soft and empathetic to the former alpha. "I hope it's no imposition, but I wanted to give you this. The wisteria that grows in our gardens is a symbol of undying devotion and love. I don't know what your beliefs of the afterlife are, but if you would like, you can place it in the fire for Gavroche. Otherwise... well, sometimes it's just nice to know you're not alone." Artorias gave Bellamy a gentle smile, then made his way over to Claire and Greed. He presented the pair with the other wisteria branch, this one's petals a bluer shade of purple. "I can't imagine what you both have gone through... are still going through. I just hope you know that you aren't alone in your grief. The blue wisterias symbolize lost love, or love that never was. You're both welcome to leave it in the fire for them if you wish, or keep it with you as a reminder that your family is here for you."

With his tasks complete, the Aegis set his sights on the two wayward Raider children under the watchful gaze of his ravens. The dire wolf approached them both, studying the pups carefully. They looked to be about two seasons old; still small, but not wee little round things just out of the den. Old enough to get into trouble, but not old enough to know better. "And who might you two be then?" he asked the kids, cocking he head curiously as he slid down into a relaxed posture on his belly, bringing the tall brute down to their level. "How did you get all the way down here to our bonfire party?"

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. The Summer Bonfire The Starlit Plains 03:33 PM, 10-05-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024