
Let's beat up the kids



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-16-2023, 07:19 PM
A cheeky grin grew across Artorias' face as Sirius confirmed the Armada gave the Raiders a thorough ass kicking. That told the Aegis two very important things: the Armada was still as strong as ever, and the Raiders-once-pirates were as weak and disorganized as he remembered them being. Should they ever dare to come traipsing up to their borders again, he'd have no issues unleashing the full might of the Hallows on them. "Good. It's the least they deserved." Onto the topic of the training raid... Seer confirmed that Mortis' litter was a tad too young for war games as well, which meant they'd be planning a future skirmish today. The Warlord's suggestion for a half pups, half young adults contest was a sound suggestion, one he could get behind.

"I'm sure my lot would enjoy that greatly. They've been chomping at the bit to get to put their training lessons into action," he replied with a chuckle. "Do give Mortis and his partner our congratulations on their litter! Being a parent is... well, it's the happiest challenge I've ever had to undertake!" Now for the final details... "Will the Hallows be defending an Armadan incursion, or are we going to be putting your defenses to the test?"

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. Let's beat up the kids The Starlit Plains 06:47 PM, 08-22-2023 05:48 AM, 12-05-2023