
May All The Demons of Hell Protect You



10-16-2023, 07:27 PM

How long had it been since they'd been on their own? A year at least. Time was funny when only one thing mattered. Mistral, the silent sentinel, had but one goal in life and that was to keep Cierzo safe and whole. His sweet half-sister would want for nothing. She would never be in danger. She would never be cold or go hungry. He would lay down his life protecting her and treating her like the queen that she was. What could breed such loyalty? I'm glad you asked.

It had always been Cierzo. From the very beginning when his mother had dumped him at the borders of his father's lands, she had been the only constant that mattered. Of all the wolves that lived under their fathers rule, Cierzo had been the only wolf to show Mistral kindness, compassion and love. That was why, from and early age, he had come to love her. Without Cierzo, there would have been no life. Nothing worth fighting for. So, when he was made her bodyguard in an official capacity, the striped giant had agreed wholeheartedly.

After the... incident... Mistral had stolen Cierzo away, taking her to foreign lands to keep the delicate fae safe. No one would ever harm her again. He swore his life on it.

The thick fog of the swamplands would hide their forms against any who might wish them ill. The stench of the sulfur and rot that rose from the various bogs would cover their scents. Mistral had found a rise in the land that seemed less damp than the rest. He'd already smacked a few alligators, warning them off. Once he'd cleared a place on the little island, the man laid out a thick bison skin. Lifting Cierzo onto his back, the brute waded across to the island and placed her comfortably on the other side. "Are you hungry?" volcanic tones rumbled free, though there was a softness within them held only for her.


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1. May All The Demons of Hell Protect You Corpseghoul Swamplands 07:27 PM, 10-16-2023 03:26 AM, 02-13-2024