
The most unassuming trespass to ever happen

Wicked + company


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
10-17-2023, 07:52 AM

Tenshi is not surprised at the disappointed expression on the young woman's face. Trespassers shouldn't be taken lightly and though Tenshi had some gumption thinking she could get away with it, she would not be upset if told to leave immediately as well. Her mouth opens slightly, ready to apologize. Truthfully, if she had known that they would be willing to share supplies, she perhaps would have requested some. Yet, she wasn't sure Erik or Vidarr wanted just anyone to know about the boy's condition. The nature of the crystals was unknown even to her and deep down, it worried her. Was the boy to live a full and wonderful life even if covered in painful crystals?

She waits patiently as Avacyn speaks and nods both in apology and agreement. Turning back toward the direction of the Boneset, Tenshi begins to move at a companionable pace. "I do apologize again, Avacyn. We have been keeping the boy's condition hushed for now as we do not know the cause," the woman pauses, her gaze moving to Erik, wondering if the boy will say anything, but assumes he won't. "I am Vidarr's fiance and this is his son, Erik. The boy only lives with us in Heidinn for part of the year and the other part with his mother in Auster," she moves to look at Avacyn, her expression changing from apologetic to warm and motherly - it really was her neutral expression most of the time.

Soon, they come upon the Boneset. Tenshi was no liar and truly had seen the withering bunch of Boneset from the border. "It is believed that Boneset can help sicknesses, fevers, infections, and some types of pain. I'm not sure if his condition can be helped with it, but I've exhausted what I have in my stores until summer comes," her expression pinches as she approaches the Boneset. "I don't like to make assumptions about one's knowledge, but perhaps you have some ideas?" Tenshi glances from Erik to Avacyn, relaxing and returning back to its motherly state before she begins to pick some of the Boneset and place it in the pouch she's brought.


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1. The most unassuming trespass to ever happen The Rock Garden 04:26 PM, 09-17-2023 11:49 PM, 11-07-2023