
Aislin D'Toula


11-03-2013, 10:20 PM

OOC Name: Amanda

How did you get here?: Former Member

Age: 26

Characters name: Aislin D'Toula

Age: 3

Season of birth: Summer

Size: 33.4 inches

Appearance description:

Aislin stands near 34 inches in height at roughly 33.4 inches. Aislin is tall for her height being a Grey Wolf mixed with a Buffallo wolf, but the length of the legs are so that Aislin can run long distances with little to no trouble. Aislin has a skeletal frame built for running and not much for hunting, though she can do it from her larger skull. Because of her head size, it is almost as if her body is not proportioned to fit her head, but with her coat, it is hard to tell unless one were to look close.
The coat Aislin bares has a black base, as it is on her skull and most of her back, though there are reds and cremes that do mix in with her body along the lower half down to her paws. The reds are like stripes down her shoulders, the middle of her torso, and her hips. The red comes out more in summer than it does in the winter time when her coat is thicker. Finally, Aislins eyes are a bright orange and the ears on her head are not as pointed as most, but slightly floppy, giving her a puppy sort of look.

Duty: Tracker
