
Bug Frens!

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
10-17-2023, 09:27 PM

The woman before him does not answer, but smiles through her tears as she turns, motioning for the boy to follow. Gavroche whines softly as he pads after her. How is he supposed to help her dry her tears if she won’t tell him why she is crying? But Gavroche does not give up on the blue lady, following after her even as the weather takes a shift. Gavroche feels anxieties stir, the fog closing in quickly, blocking out his sight completely. He can’t hear anything either, save for the drumming of his heartbeat in his ears. This fog was intense… but he could still smell the lady walking ahead of him. He wants to make her smile… no one should be sad, so if following what she wanted him to do would help, then he’d do so.

When the fog around them finally begins to fade, he is somewhere new. Gavroche blinks with surprise and looks around. Where did the garden and all the plants go? The boy’s look becomes thoughtful, ears perked as he looks at the huge trees that dwarf him. His green gaze shifts to the woman, and she motions him toward the lake. He can see stepping stones, but the movement in the water has him cautious. Gaze flicks to the stones, ears swiveling toward the whirlpool. Hmm… she wants him to go towards the lake, so surely the stones will be safe, right? He glanced down at his dexterous paws. If he is careful, and takes his time, he shouldn’t slip even though they will be wet in spots.

The winged child moves towards the stones, taking the first step onto them as he spreads his wings for balance. Just slow and steady…


Dexterity: Use the stepping stones.


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1. Bug Frens! The God's Garden 10:26 PM, 10-16-2023 01:02 PM, 04-28-2024